Sunday, March 24, 2019

La Manzana del Templo

Tonight we went with our new friends to Temple Square.
They came over to our house on Friday and we were going to try to get together again, but they will need to spend tomorrow and Tuesday looking for an apartment (they can only stay in their current home until April 1st) So then we asked if they wanted to get together tonight, and we were glad they took us up on it. It was great to be there together and to be able to share things about the Church of Jesus Christ with them. We had two lovely sister missionaries, one from Argentina and the other from Brazil, give us a tour.
The older kids (Mel, Hyrum, and Wes) all expressed frustration and wished they spoke Spanish so that they could have understood what we were talking about, since we did speak in Spanish most of the time. We started in the North Visitors Center, then the Tabernacle, and then the Assembly Hall.
The kids were a bit crazy in the vistors center and when we were outside - they were all running around playing tag or something, but they sat quietly when there were benches.
I think Diego and Iveth learned some new things and had some questions answered, but they mostly probably just left with lots of new questions. They are just the cutest family though, we love them! The missionaries asked us how long we've known each other. "Um, like a week? Yeah, 8 days!" They said it seems like we've been friends a long time, and I feel like we know them really well and we just click. It's been fun. We went by their house at 7 so they could follow us to temple square, but Diego didn't get back from work until 7:30, so we got there a little bit later than we planned. It closes at 9 and when it was time to leave there was still so much more to see, so we're going to have to go back again to show them the South Visitors center and the Conference Center. They might come for General Conference, which would be amazing! We'll see!

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