Friday, March 22, 2019

Ethan is 17!

Happy Birthday Ethan! Today is the first day of his spring break/end of the term, so he had a break from school, which was a nice gift from the school district. He still had Crescent rehearsal though - they're leaving on Sunday for their tour to China! When he got home, we sang Happy Birthday to him.
We had ice cream for him yesterday too - my mom had brought by his gift early cause she knew he'd be gone Friday at Crescent. One funny thing as I scooped out ice cream - I put it in sugar cones that my mom had brought over, and the ice cream was a little sticky in the scoop, so the cones weren't that big, but kids were anxious to be served, so I just hurried and passed out small cones. I gave Ethan his cone, and he took it with a sad face and said "They ask too much, and give too little..." which is a quote from the movie 17 Miracles, where the members of the handcart were starving and receiving their small ration of food for the day. It made me laugh. Hyrum continued the movie quote as he said "We're grown men!! Look at these portions!!!" I thought it was really funny. So they got a good laugh out of me yesterday with that. Tonight we all got a good laugh from watching Daniel, who thought the cake was for him.
Ethan's birthday cake request was strawberry short cake with cookies and cream ice cream.
Being the nice big brother he is, Ethan let D try to blow out the candles.

Our big and little Ethan (aka Daniel who is pretty close to being Ethan's clone)
Cute boys, they grow up so fast.
Daniel was a little worried when we started to cut it up, like when we broke his big hershey's kiss... "Hey, that's my cake!"
But we let him have one of the first slices, and then he was cool with it. Today was a fun day because our friends from Leon came over. Iveth and I talked about children, music, getting in shape, and diet... you know, all the girl topics. The kids played. It was fun to hear Hyrum speaking Spanish to the boys as he tried to explain how to play Go For It. I was there to help him translate. Hyrum kept forgetting the word for "buy" - comprar.
The older boy is Diego Emilio, he goes by either name. He's 7 I think. Asis is dressed in the frog costume.
The little girls had been playing with the strawberry shortcake dolls and left a mess in their wake.
Their little girl is Maria. She's super cute.
And we think Owen has a crush on her.
He calls her "Ria" but we're going to try to teach him the West Side Story song so he can sing to her one day and proclaim his love.
One of the funniest moments of the day was when they were all outside in the front yard playing in the street. Hyrum was hitting a tennis ball up the street with a tennis racket. The kids ran up the street to get it. Owen was already half way up the street when Hyrum hit it. Maria was close to Hyrum, and Daniel was in between. Hyrum hits a ball and they all go running. Maria quickly passes Daniel and is catching up to Owen fast, despite the fact that he booking it as hard as he can. She totally beat him, it was so funny. Hyrum was like "Owen!? You had a solid lead!! What happened??"
We decided he let her win, cause he's a gentleman.
But he had to make it look like he was trying.
I picked them up around 11 this morning and they stayed all day until Diego got off of work at 9:30. They joined us for dinner and cake - Iveth and I dishing out cake and ice cream
The kids all played while Corey and I went out for date night. They are a really cute family. Her kids are on spring break like my older kids, and we're going to try and get together again before they all are back in school.

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