Monday, March 4, 2019

Playing Doctor

Part of Peter's follow up care is to go to the "suction clinic" at the hospital whenever I feel he needs it, to clear out his nose. I went last night at thinking it would help him to be able to breath better before bed so that we'd both hopefully get a good night's sleep. I went around 11:15 - nursed him there so that he'd fall asleep on the drive home and I would be able to go to bed. I got back at 12:30 and Peter was awake within an hour. So my plan didn't work and last night was particularly horrible. Peter was crying and coughing and didn't nurse well and had a slight fever this morning. And I felt like a zombie, half alive and half dead/asleep with exhaustion as I tried to take care of him - overall was like a bad and un-restful dream. It was better when the sun came up (I'm not looking forward to daylight saving time next Sunday) and Peter seems better now. Corey put in a long weekend holding down the fort, so I asked/begged him to go take a break at the room in Midway, cause we have it until Friday. Thankfully he took my advice and is up there and is sleeping over, hopefully for a few days. He needs the break.

So, I took Peter to the suction clinic again today at noon - the doctor recommended going twice a day as needed. It's pretty convenient - I just to to the ER entrance and they have a room there set apart for all suctioning patients. You ready for this, P?
He got totally used to it at the hospital. They'd do it every 3-4 hours. I've been clearing him out at home with a suction bulb and tube that I have, but Abi stayed home sick today, so since she was able to watch Owen and Daniel, I thought I'd take Peter in again. He did good and hardly fussed at all, he's a trooper. Back at home, we're trying to make sure everyone wears surgical masks and uses hand sanitizer when they hold Peter, to keep him safe from any other viruses that might be floating around here.
A little smile there from Peter, he's happy his siblings are trying to keep him healthy. With all the surgical masks around the house now, the kids are primed to play doctor. Abi was playing surgery in her room yesterday. She had a little table set up with bandaids and other medicine looking things that we have around the house. She would invite her siblings into her clinic one at a time and put stitches on them with pens. Today after school Lily was playing doctor - operating on Sophi.
She said she's a doctor and a dentist. Daniel has been wearing a mask too, he looks cute. Showing me the thermometer -
We have so many fun gadgets around right now. I'm glad Daniel is wearing a mask - both he and Owen were pretty sick and miserable (and made Corey miserable) over the weekend. Daniel kinda lost his voice and sounds super cute right now when he talks. I think he and Owen are the ones that prob got Peter sick - wiping their runny noses with their hands and then touching him. So I'm glad Daniel wears a mask willingly. Owen won't though.

And so Peter is doing good. We got a few smiles out of him today but he wont' do it if the camera is ready -
We are grateful to be home.

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