Saturday, March 16, 2019

Saturday Activities

So, we're starting a new thing (again). Corey has upped his game and is planning activities for our Monday night FHEs. All are invited to the FHE activity. We're also trying to do a Saturday activity, but those aren't free. To get to participate in the Saturday activity, you have to do your chores (or be a toddler). So, the older kids had a poor showing with their chores and music practice this week, so it was just the little girls. The people who earn the activity get to choose what the activity is. Lily was at a birthday party, so it was just Abi, Sophi, and Natalie, and they chose Classic Skating. And surprise surprise, it was Disney day again. The girls met Rapunzel -
Cinderella -
And Belle -
Pretty cool. Corey treated them to Slurpees and a fun afternoon.
They even got Papa Johns pizza on the way home.
And after all that fun, Natalie started pouting cause she didn't have any fun. And cause she wanted to go to McDonalds. Corey decided he would take them to McDonald's after they cleaned up a bit. The girls hustled to do chores, except Natalie. Abi helped stall the departing van and came back in to help Natalie do a job. Natalie finally decided to work and cleared off the table and earned her passage. Off they went to McDonalds. Seems like a lot of activities to me, but that's cause Dad is the fun one. Owen was too scared to go up the slide...
A few videos Corey took - of Owen being a yellow belly chicken -

Of Lily ticked after Abi broke her Orbeez squishy ball thing

And of Natalie pouting when the fun was over because Corey wouldn't buy her ice cream.

A long day of fun, meeting Disney Princess and slurpees and skating and they still want more... There is another video of her wailing in the car. Man, parents just can't win. You give and give and its still never enough.
I think we have a little too much fun around here for not enough work. But we'll try to keep this Saturday reward system going to motivate the little ones, since they are the main mess makers around here.

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