Sunday, March 17, 2019

Peter's Blessing

Peter was given his blessing at church today.
He was blessed and officially given his name to have put on the records of the Church of Jesus Christ. Peter was fussy while Corey held him, I was impressed Corey was able to keep his train of thought.
Our little Peter Benjamin 
Just like all of our boys, Peter was blessed in the same little outfit that Corey wore when he was blessed. Here's Owen in 2015 and Daniel in 2016. It has been a fun tradition to keep.
We don't have the same tradition for the girls. Melodie was blessed in a little pink dress, I'm not sure about Abi, but the other three girls were in the same white dress and bow, although it's not one that I wore as a baby. Wait, I take that back... just looking things up here on the blog (I really wouldn't be able to remember anything without this blog helping me) It looks like Sophi was in a pink dress. Natalie was a white dress (last pic). I'll have to try old digital photos to know about Abi and Lily.
I do know that all of the kids have been wrapped in this white blanket though. It is one that Corey's grandmother Helen made for us when Joseph was born.
Anyway, that's all for now, I'm not going to type more, because I'm blogging this from my phone. I'm quite behind on the blog here, once again. I haven't been able to figure out yet how to make time to sit at a computer to blog since Peter arrived. Doing on my phone is hard for writing things out, but it's easy to upload photos, so maybe I'll just be doing photos for a while until I figure things out.

- Oh, wanted to add one more thing. Tonight we had a nice family from Mexico come over for dinner. They are from Leon, Guanajuato, and have been here in the US for two months. The mom and three kids were at McDonald's waiting for the husband Diego to get of work. Corey and the girls were there and Abi broke Lily's Orbeez toy thing, and their kids helped our kids pick up all the orbeez that had scattered across the floor. After that, the mom and Corey started to visit. They talked about how it was going for them to figure out life in the US, and Corey told her we'd like to adopt them. He gave them his WhatsApp info and invited them to come for dinner tonight. They don't have a car yet, so Ethan went to pick them up. It was fun, Ethan played his sax for them and Mel played the flute. Iveth has a choir that she was in charge of in Leon and she's still involved. She loves music, she asked Mel what she hopes to do with her flute talent. Mel said she's like to be in the Orchestra at Temple Square, so that led us to sharing a Tabernacle choir video (Come Thou Fount) and we told them a little bit about Utah and the Church. They want to move to Australia, but you have to pass and English test to go there, so they came here to learn English and hope to be able to move to Australia in a year or 2. So that's a little about our new friends, we hope to see them again soon!

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