Tuesday, March 12, 2019


I caught a few smiles on camera today! I was trying to keep the phone out of the way so as to not distract him - thus not very centered - but I got it! Here's the best one - it was also the last one -
We started off with basic eye contact - then getting a little grin
Hello Peter! Hello!!
You are so pretty!
Are you a happy boy? Yes you are such a pretty boy!
And we giggle as he gives a big smile -
He moves his arms all around as he tries to smile -
Wink and a little tongue -
Pretty Pretty Peter.
And posts like this with too many photos are probably going to put me over the 1500 photo limit next January when I try to put together the blog book (this past year I had to divide it into 3 volumes, so annoying)... Oh well.
He is so darn pretty, we love him! He is adorable
So, in other news, this afternoon Corey let me know there were other applicants to his job posting on care.com. I said the lady from yesterday wasn't gonna work, cause I have to be able to talk to her, and I can't speak Portuguese. There were new applicants that spoke English. Whoop de do. He asked if I wanted to look at them. I said No. He gave me his log in info anyway. I log in. Ugh, and just feel sick/frustrated/annoyed. Not sure why this all bothers me so much. I read his job description and again feel like shaking my head... He had it as a recurring job, Monday through Friday from 12-6. Now maybe he meant that for them to choose sometime on one of those days and between those hours, but it also looked like we are trying to hire someone to come here 5 freaking days a week for 6 hours each day every week?!? That is a bit much, sweetheart. I know we're in over our heads, but things are that bad, are they? Hmm, since I was on there, I poked around a bit and lookie there, with a little click I was able to changed it from recurring to one time (hehe!) I continued to try to make this  look like a job that was not worth a serious maid's time by pretending we're just looking for our one time help on Monday, March 25th. Not 12-6... let's change that from 2-4. haha. Then I read the job description. That should take care of future applicants. I read Corey's job description...
No no no no, I do not want help with organization from a maid. I click to edit that. I removed that part. Hey, I'm gonna change this job description to how I might have worded it -
So, I felt quite content with my editing skills. I am hoping Corey won't notice what I've done (I probably shouldn't be blogging it then, huh? I guess we'll see if he reads the posts or just looks at the pictures.) But I do have good intentions to get a maid to help Corey's sanity - I hired my daughter Abi come for an hour and she did, and she did a stellar job, and was able to time it right before Corey got home, so he actually felt like the house was clean and that our life is calm. Abi comes with the added bonus that she charges less than the care.com people! So this might be a solution to help us out, atleast until she starts Junior high in the fall and possibly starts getting too much homework to have time to spend an hour cleaning. But maybe by then I'll be able to contribute more since Peter will be older. We'll see.

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