Thursday, March 14, 2019

Snow in the Driveway

Usually I'm pretty strict about not driving on the snow in the driveway. I will not drive on it, I have Corey call me on his way home so I can get it shoveled, and I wake up early to shovel it before the kids go to school. My big reason for that is because we are a north facing house and I don't want to have ice built up on it all winter. BUT, since winter is almost over, I let it slide this Wednesday when we got a ton of snow over night and then it snowed all day. I was supposed to take carpool Wednesday morning, but when I went out to shovel, it was so thick and so heavy that it was very slow going to clear it off and I knew I wasn't going to be able to finish anytime soon. Our snowblower is still not working, so stupid since we just bought it last year... we haven't been able to use it at all this winter! The snow was so thick and deep that I doubted that any of our cars would be able to make it up the un-plowed street anyway. I texted to see if any mom with 4-wheel drive wanted to trade me. Katie took me up on it, and I continued trying to clear the driveway cause I didn't know how the high schooler's were going to get to school. Corey woke up to take them. His car make it out of the garage and into the street, but that was it. Luckily I had shoveled that side of the driveway enough that they were able to make it back into the garage. Corey was feeling more brave than I was and he has different strategies for making up a snowy sloped hill. He has miraculously driven the van to the cabin a few times, but I'm too chicken. So he took the older kids to school in the van and made it out of the neighborhood. Then he spent the day at his parent's house - which was good cause they were able to say hi to Joseph when he called. Anyway, so that was Wednesday. And after the snow was driven on, I figured who cares - the forecast says it will be in the high 50s by next week anyway, so it will all be melted soon enough. So we've been driving on it and the driveway is a big snow hazard of a mess. Wednesday night when Ethan came home, he couldn't get the Fiesta up into the garage so he left it parked outside in the driveway. It snowed all Wednesday night and so there was a nice ice and snow coating on it, and we don't have any snow scrapers for the windshield. He's never had to deal with that before and didn't know what to do and was trying to get it off with the wipers. I scraped it off with a plastic shovel
It warmed up later in the day and I had the kids get it off the Fiesta's side of the driveway after school. Wesley likes wearing this fuzzy hooded coat of Abi's cause it makes him feel like Han Solo on Hoth.
Funny kid.

There was so much snow yesterday that the garbage pick up got pushed back a day. Which was good, cause we hadn't shoveled the side of the house either. I barely got the recycling bin back up the driveway and out of the way of the van. Hyrum rescued that part of the driveway so we could bring the garbage bins in.
Hyrum, Wes, and Abi are my good workers and have done more than their fair share of shoveling. Mel's done it a few times but is usually busy. Ethan is usually asleep. Daniel wanted to go out in the snow, although he wasn't any help with the chore. I was nursing Peter. Daniel came inside and proudly said "I Back!!"
Cute little pink nose.
I was glad that Daniel was already dressed, cause we had to leave to take Wes to a rehearsal last night, which I will tell you about tomorrow, cause I found myself in a mommy crisis that was kinda funny. Will share that tomorrow.

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