Friday, March 29, 2019

Spring Break for Older Kids

The older kids have had spring break/end of term last weekend. It allowed Ethan time to sleep in for his birthday, and other than sleep in, the kids haven't done much. The spring breaks for the two districts our kids are in did not coincide (little girls are out all next week) so we didn't do and aren't doing anything. I guess we could have/should have done something, but oh well. Mel did a good job catching up on homework. She mostly worked on her AP art projects.
That pic is from last Friday, but she looked like this most of Monday and Tuesday as well, just in the day time too. Hyrum and Wesley have looked like this for a good chunk of their spring break -
Playing Battlefront on the Xbox. (That pic taken on 3/23) I took the kids to the park last Saturday. We walked there. As soon as we got there, Owen and Natalie both needed to go to the bathroom. I had no place to take them, and they didn't want to go home, so they held it for over an hour. I was impressed. 
Daniel was dressed in a frog costume. He's cute and hey, it kept him warm.
I walked laps around the kiddie track and almost got in 3 miles! 

Ethan has been in China for the three days off of school, plus three days in school and will be gone all next week. Luckily since it is the beginning of the term he will have plenty of time to catch up on the work he's missed. I took him to the airport at 3 am on Sunday.
He was like slap happy tired - their music producer Caleb told them to just not go to sleep so that they wouldn't miss it. He was free and loose with information, like I've heard that people are when they're drunk. He confessed to me that he and his friends went on the round about by the Draper Temple for over TEN MINUTES. Ethan was driving. They stopped when his friend was positive he was going to throw up, and because suddenly the gas indicated they had 0 miles until empty. So they left. As they left, they were on their way out, they saw a police car speeding up the hill, probably on his way to arrest Ethan and his friends had they still been there. He said he learned his lesson with that close call and that they won't do it again. This boy...
Have fun in China, Eth!
He will be back on April 3rd at like 10 pm. We haven't heard much from him this week except a few texts, we're hoping he's having a good time and trust that we shall see pictures when he gets back.

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