Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Pretty Little Face

Have we mentioned yet that Peter is the cutest little man on the planet?
Look at that little face!
Yeah, we probably take too many pictures of him, but we're coming up on prime baby time - he's almost 3 months! 2 - 3 months = still tiny and little, but also chubby and a bit less fragile than a newborn, with the bonus of interactive smiles and coos and lovely baby smells
Look at those big beautiful eyes!
And last pic the best of all the game! Peter!
He's getting so chubby, look at that squishy little arm! It is so fun, I love it. I was showing these pictures to the girls tonight before scriptures, and we were all oo-ing and aw-ing and how adorable he was, and Hyrum teased "Aww, let's look at the pictures of Peter because he's not here right now..." You're right Hyrum! Why are we looking at pictures of him when he's right here with us and we can actually look at HIM! So we looked, and we squealed and ooh'd and aww'd again -
Mel was holding him and said "Let me see!!!" (the new picture we just took) -
"AAWWW!!" she said. He's pretty adorable, in pictures and in real life. If only he would stop growing! Cause soon all we are going to have is these pictures to remember our baby Peter.

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