Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Neverland & Tea Parties

Lily led out on a game of Peter Pan tonight - they were pretty creative with the costumes
Lily was Peter Pan, complete with a little plastic flute to play her Pan song. Sophia was Wendy, Natalie was a cute Tinkerbell (I liked her hair bun) and Daniel was Captain Hook, with a black witch hat finishing off the look. They broke the top off of a plastic hanger to be his hook. I guess Owen was just a lost boy!
I admired their creativity, but I also was mad, cause I was almost getting brave enough to throw out some of those costumes! I have been telling myself that they "never" use them, and then they had to go and use them! We have so many costumes and so much toy/kid junk in general but I really want to simplify, drat, how do I let go of these things when we still have kids coming up the line? Now I have to start over with my mental prep. I really want to tidy up. Not sure how I'm ever going to be able to do it though. Sigh. I did like seeing them play, and I'm very glad the warmer weather is coming little by little (supposed to snow tomorrow).

They have also played Tea Party/Restaurant for a few days. First on Friday night, Lily set up this restaurant for her sisters. It was in an inconvenient and highly trafficked small space, the narrow entryway between the kitchen and the front room/stairs.
I asked if they could move it further into the kitchen, but they didn't want to, so whatever. She filled up one little glass thing with sugar and the other one with cocoa powder so that they could make hot cocoa. I told her that isn't how it works, but whatever. (I find myself frustrated and saying whatever a lot these days)
I wish I could relax, or I wish I would play along or help them in their game... instead I get flustered when don't clean up after themselves until I nag and follow up several times, and after that I still find myself needing to take some deep breaths when I step in sugar granules all over the floor...
Then I found these pictures on my phone of them having a tea party again on Sunday, this time in the front room (where they are not supposed to have food) 
They broke one small glass cup, not a big deal I guess. I mean why do I have these things if we don't use them? Cause if we use them, we'll break them, so I buy them cause I want to use them and make memories, but then I never have/make the time to do it, so they do it on their own, and I should be happy they're carrying on with their creativity without me. But I'm feeling just grumpy all the time. I did a little bit of googling last night on postpartum depression. I don't know if I have it bad, but I do believe my hormones are out of whack and I don't feel like myself. I feel off balance, but trust it will improve be as my body continues to adjust to caring for Peter or that it will be better in a few months as he is older and less physically demanding on me. I should probably find some time to sit and enjoy a small quiet cup of cocoa and be still.

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