Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Childhood Dream

I keep trying to write down what we eat for dinner, and I think that once I get a month's worth of meals, then we can just put dinner on repeat. But I keep forgetting to write what we have. But I remembered Monday - we had veggie burger and fries. And I remembered yesterday - coconut rice bowls with orange chicken and teriyaki shrimp. And today was a busy Wednesday with people coming and going at different times, so I made mac n' cheese for the toddlers, and a Purple carrot salad for Corey and I, it was meh. But I'm glad I'm recording meals. I don't really remember anything my mom made for meals when I was growing up, other than rice and chicken with some cream of chicken soup in the rice. Oh, and stuffed green peppers (I didn't like those, but I remember my older sister would request them for her birthday meal, and thus I was not excited when it was her birthday). So even though I don't remember what I ate as a child, I'm sure that my mother fed us all everyday, seeing as I am alive and survived to adulthood. So part of me wants to record that mundane stuff here so that the kids can know about it, in some future day when they are living their own lives and trying to remember parts of their childhood, which will just be a fading dream.
(That is a good picture to post after saying "fading dream" huh?) That was Owen asleep at the top of the stairs this morning. He's doing pretty good at sleeping in his new area, in Mel and Abi's room, in his pink chair. As Corey headed downstairs and out for work, he saw Owen at the top of the stairs and said "...there's a dragon!" Yes, Owen the little sleeping dragon, be careful not to disturb him as you make your escape!

One good win today - I bought a little copper sponge over the weekend, I used it on the stovetop today and it looks so clean! Yay! And something cute this evening, I was doing some lifting and Owen came and joined me with his two 3 pound weights.
I heard something that I liked recently - the Keisers said how important it is to exercise at home and show our children how we incorporate these healthy habits and then they will start to develop them too and will make it a part of their lives. I thought that was a good idea. I've been thinking I'd like to join a gym, but maybe now I won't, cause I do really like the idea of my kids learning by watching my example here at home.

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