Thursday, April 11, 2019

Kids Are The Worst

Today after school, around 6:00 - Lily was upset at Abi. Abi wouldn't let her have another slice of pizza or use the computer. Lily was so upset that she decided to show just how mad she was by taking a bottle of school glue and pouring it out on the carpet. And gluing a yellow piece of paper to the wall. Isn't that nice?
Good news: it wiped off the wall very easily. Bad news: It didn't come off of the carpet easily. Good news: it was white glue, so you can't see it in the carpet. Bad news: I couldn't wash it out, so now when we all step on those spots, you can feel the stiff glued on carpet under you feet. I'm pretty sure that it is going to irritate me until we get the carpet in the house replaced someday - on the list of things that we will do once the mess makers children are all gone. Mel showed me a Instagram page called "Kids are the worst", it is pretty funny, and sometimes it feels like it's true, but I know it's not, they're the best. Well, babies are the best atleast. Kids, they're fun, they just destroy things. They destroy things quickly and often. So we'll have nice things once they are all gone. (Then will our grandkids just become the new destroyers?) Just God's way of helping us to not have our hearts set on things of this world I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Try Goo Gone you buy it at Walmart it's made for glue and gum removal
