Friday, April 5, 2019

Dancing Machine

Last night the kids were having a dance party in the front room. It's fun to have dance parties. I was just remembering out last dance party and it was almost exactly one year ago! Maybe we're just all excited for spring, so we dance in April. So, I had to share this video of Wesley doing his Fortnite dance last night. It's his own version of the Orange Justice move (see here at :40) I don't think he's ever played Fortnite, Maybe he learned it just cause it's kinda trendy, like the floss move, which Wes also does. What do you think, does Wes have a future in dancing?
Mel and I got a real kick out of seeing him. 

And my apologies to Sophia, who was calling my name over and over again trying to get my attention and I wasn't very quick to hear her, sorry Soph. 
These videos were in color but Mel did something to them when she uploaded them to instagram. Anyway, funny kid. 

Here's another video of Wes feeling the music when I picked him up after carpool on Wednesday - jammin' out to High Hopes - 

and one more from last week - driving home last week, getting the song in his head apparently.

Funny kid. What else did we do today.... Oh, so today I went in the basement, took out the trash, and noticed some of the things that were thrown away when the basement got cleaned out yesterday. I noticed a few legos and got those cause they were within reach, and then other toys and things, likes a skirt for the itty bitty strawberry shortcake dolls, but I figured who cares, the girls won't miss them. But then, I saw a small piece from the Otrio game! And I've got something I can't handle about losing puzzle pieces or game pieces. So when I saw an Othello game recently at the DI, I bought it just so I could have all the extra game pieces, cause we had lost two, and I had Mel made me pieces out of scuply clay, but it just wasn't the same. These ones don't perfectly match, but they're legit, so yeah, now I have a whole stockpile of Othello pieces, I should be good for life. But when I saw the Otrio pieces, I was like oh no! and I carefully dug around, and found another one. Green and red. I went to the game, put it together, turns out the small blue and purple were missing too!! It's okay, I told myself, I'll have Mel make some out of Sculpy, (...but knowing it would always bug me.) (Not that we even play this game that much, cause I don't want to let the kids play it cause I don't want them to lose the pieces! Dumb, right? I mean what is my problem, what is the point of even having this game if we don't use it?!?!) So I dug around in the garbage and remembered hunting through trash in Brazil after our maid cleaned up there as I tried to find little pieces to a piano keyboard that I had borrowed. It's one of the cons to having someone else clean your house. But still, in this case, it was worth it to have Iveth's help and have a clean basement now. But with a little bit of hope I dug through the garbage, and miracle of miracles, I found them! So we have a complete Otrio set, and now I'm keeping it locked in my bedroom. (Back in January we put a keypad lock on our bedroom door too, trying to make that a safe space for us that is kid free (well, almost, cause Peter is in there)) So my goal is to actually play that game with the kids this week, should be simple enough goal, right? The Otrio game or Othello, I'll report back if I reach my goal.

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