Thursday, April 4, 2019


Last night, Diego and Iveth signed a year contract to rent a basement apartment that is in our neighborhood, so that is going to be fun to have them close by! Cause we've all fallen in love with them. The boys really seem to be smitten with Maria. Owen is very attentive, like he will hold her hand and guide her down the stairs. And Wes and Hyrum think it's funny to tell him to go kiss her, and he does. Here they are reading in my room -
So, they won't be as close as in the basement, but they are just a short walk away. Their oldest will be going to the same school as the girls. Today we helped them with phase 1 of the move. We went over with them when they took their first load - Wes was excited to hold onto their van and ride along with his ripstick, something I have not let him do.
I hadn't seen their apartment yet, but it looks great! And a super fun back yard too -
Everyone went out to play. They don't have furniture yet, but while we were there I thought that a few of the things that we have would work well for them, so we're going to give them some things we have in our basement (but first we had to clean out basement to make a path to the bed). So phase 1 was just moving the things that were already within reach in the basement - their clothes and boxes of household items, and we're gifting them the 3 mattresses they've been using while they've been here. things. When Diego left for work around 3, Iveth stayed and she wanted to help get the basement back in order for us. I jokingly said "Yeah, nice and clean like it was before you guys came, haha" cause it was NOT clean before they were here. The mess down there was not cause of them. They were only on one side of it, but all our kids together were super creative in their games and getting out everything to play, and in that process made major havoc on the already disastered unfinished side. I really should have taken a before pic, cause it was bad. And then, in a few hours, it was all made good by Iveth working a miracle! She started on the east side, and little by little worked her way across the floor. I came and went, going up and down the stairs doing things, making dinner for both our families (breakfast: hasbrowns, tofu "eggs", pancakes and fruit).... and feeding Peter, and Iveth worked a miracle over the course of the evening and got it all spanking clean!
Like all of it, she is amazing. It is a total miracle.
Then tonight I drove her to Sugarhouse to buy a table I found on the classifieds, and I also found another little table and chairs that were free and a free bookshelf, and tomorrow for phase 2 we'll move over the bunk bed and trundle and couch that we had in the basement. It's a win-win: I get a clean basement and get to clear out things that we aren't using, and they get a furnished apartment, and the kids all play - we had a dance party going on tonight. Iveth and I have also gone walking in the mornings together, so it is great to have a friend like her! I'm really grateful that Corey met them at McDonald's, it's been a blessing for all of us.

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