Friday, April 19, 2019

Easter Weekend

This is how Lily looked when she left for school this morning - with a full on bunny look. No cottontail, but she did take a long carrot for herself.
Sophi was so sad, cause Lily looked better than she did. Soph wanted bunny ears too, so Lily hurried and made her some ears. Luckily they caught the bus. I doubt there was an Easter party or anything at school, but my girls are festive anyway. This morning Iveth invited me to come to her church for a "stations of the cross" thing at her Catolic church in Midvale. I was an hour late getting there - it started at 9 and I didn't arrive until 10, but good news was that they were on Latino time! So I arrived just as it officially started, yeah!
That there above is little Hispanic Jesus before Pilate above. In the pic below we were watching him before Herod. I liked how the kids were holding hands.
I told them I could come until 11, and then I'd need to leave to get Natalie to the bus for kindergarten, which is early on Friday. We left and go to the car right as the people started to parade past us. So I watched them march by.
Iveth said they walked around the neighborhood for a few hours! And that the guy being Jesus was a "poco gordo" and so he had a hard time near the end. I teased that Jesus might not make it to mass on Sunday cause he'll be recovering. Later Natalie bragged to Sophi that she had got to go somewhere with Maria! "But it was kinda bored. All we did was stand around." I think there is more meaning in that "bored" tradition of the Catholics than was found in the secular tradition of the easter egg hunt, but we did that one anyway. At 4:00 today was the annual neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Daniel was sad - there in the front in the turquoise t-shirt. 
He didn't want his picture taken or he wanted Mel to hold him. You can see her with her outstretched arms at he left of the photo. He felt happier when they were off looking for eggs.
Although Daniel got distracted from the purpose and went to play in side a playset instead of looking for eggs. Come on Daniel, don't you know the name of the game?!?! Go get candy-candy-candy!
That is a cute little face. Owen went looking for treats with Iveth. (He calls her "mama")
And after the hunt was over, everyone opened and ate their treats.
Diego, Asis, and Abi.
Lily holding Peter, he's such a cutie.
Iveth met some of the other mom's and ladies in the neighborhood.
Natalie - happy with her loot
Soph and another friend Isa.
We really live in such a great area, we love it. Afterward we all went in the backyard to play on the slide and swingset. I left Abi and Mel with the kids and I headed home with Peter, who needed his food.
So I'd say there was probably more meaning in the Catholic tradition than the easter egg hunt. But I'm glad the new Come Follow Me curriculum has helped me think of the Savior more this week. I'm so grateful that He's has won victory over the grave and I'm thankful for my firm belief that, because of Him, I can return to heaven and be with my family forever. 

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