Monday, April 22, 2019

Tulip Festival 2019

Today I went down to Thanksgiving Point with my friend Iveth and a van full of our kids in tow. I've gone to the festival before, it is a lovely experience. The Gardens are always beautiful, and it's not just in the springtime. But the tulip festival is special cause it's such a short window. So I renewed our family membership today. I join every other year or so, so my plan is that when the tulip festival is on next year, we'll be able to catch it before our membership expires. And if I don't get burnt out, who knows, maybe we'll renew it in 2020. 
Corey and I agreed we should pay for Iveth and her kids to come with me, cause we insisted she see it.
It's like a stroll through heaven! (put on your walking shoe, Daniel! On second thought, those look a little big for you...)
I didn't take my nice camera or take a ton of pictures, cause I have several hundred pics of tulips from years before and still haven't done anything with those. (2018, 2016 before the hail storm and after, and 2013) So I decided to hold off on increasing my tulip photo collection for now.
Iveth loved it.
What do you think Natalie? Aren't all the flowers so pretty!?
I didn't over exaggerate or exceed her expectations by going on about how amazing it was.
The Tulip Festival delivered!
We stopped for a snack and I fed Peter. He was a perfect angel almost the whole time.
Iveth's favorite was the Secret Garden.
One of my favorites too
Cute Owen.
Maria and Natalie. We enjoyed the Light of the World Garden too. That was the last place we walked through, only we did the Savior's life in reverse on accident. Not a big deal, but hopefully I'll remember next time (start at the left/north side, not south)
Italian Garden -
We stayed and enjoyed it and that made Natalie a little late for kindergarten, not a big deal. It was a great and appropriate way to spend Earth day! Here again are a few links of the other times we've gone - 2018 for Joseph and Mel's concert, then in 2016 before the hail storm and after, and our first year as members in 2013. We love Thanksgiving Point, what a blessing for our community! 

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