Saturday, April 27, 2019

GMS Spring Gala

Tonight Mel had a "scholarship Gala" tonight with GMS. Here is Mel with her teacher April Clayton next to her, and other students of April that performed tonight.
The Gala was at "The Garden Place" at This is the Place Heritage Park.
It's one of her last hurrahs - this girl is graduating in less than a month, crazy. Corey arranged for me and Iveth to go, but Iveth ended up with a conflict so I took Peter and Abi and Sophi. A silent auction began at 5, then dinner at 6, and the concert at 7. Tickets were pretty expensive, but we knew it was basically a donation to the school anyway.
I didn't know what to expect and was worried we shouldn't be late, but it wouldn't have been a big deal at all. We were there with plenty of time to kill. Abi took Peter outside.
 We kissed him inside.
We ate. I wasn't impressed with the dinner. There was no salad! There were no vegetables at all! Come on people, calling a bunch of little appetizers a "dinner" was a bit of a stretch. It would have been nicer if they had kept expectations low and just said "light refreshments". Also it's pretty silly to serve salmon on potato chips and think you can make it fancy by calling them "potato crisps"
The shrimp was good enough...
We kept thinking that there had better be desserts to make up for this lousy dinner. (Sorry, I'm being ungrateful) We sat by Corey's parents. We waited. Sophi asked how much longer we had to be there and wasn't happy with the reply.
The concert was nice. Mel did a few numbers.
And she loved on Peter and showed him off to her friends when she wasn't performing.
 I spent a good portion of the evening nursing Peter outside.
Which is why I usually don't want to go to these performances anyway, I kinda feel like what's the point, but I'm glad I was able to try and support Mel. It wasn't that bad being outside, and I was able to catch Mel's number even though I was standing and rocking Peter in the back of the room. After it was over we were able to catch this photo of Mel with her two flute teachers who Mel has been so fortunate to be instructed by: Susan Goodfellow and April Clayton.
And, thankfully for our empty tummies they did have lots of decent sized desserts, and in my uncontrolled hunger I ate too many coconut cookies. 

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