Monday, April 29, 2019

My Birthday

Yesterday was my Happy Birthday. My parents and Corey's parents both gave me cards with cash yesterday. This was the card from my mom. She said it just reminder her of me.
It reminds me of me too. Atleast it reminds me of things I like. I like color. So other thoughtful gifts: Corey gave me a dozen roses.
Wes slipped some earrings under the door. Sophi have me earrings too, with a bracelet. 
I think Corey's dad helped them make those. The girls sang a Mother's Day song to me that they are learning at church. 
 I got a little cute goodie bag at church.
And then tonight an unexpected surprise - Iveth and Diego came by with a cake and present for me.
They are such good friends! Daniel's happy there is cake!
We all sang Happy Birthday.
The kids shared the cake and the cupcakes my mom brought yesterday.
You are a happy looking kid, Daniel. I opened a present from Iveth and Diego, but they had us play a game where you have to do it with oven mits on. The girls wanted a turn...
They had wrapped it up over and over again, so I needed help!
They gave me a fitbit! Which was so nice and very unexpected, they are great friends. Yesterday for my birthday, I wanted to catch up on the blog. I got all caught up in January and the months started slipping by again. I didn't make a lot of progress, I need to try to catch up this week. Even without a lot of time to blog, it was a good day and a good weekend. But now it's Monday and we need to get back at it. Just four more weeks of school left, we can do this!

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