Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Basement Guests

On Saturday we invited our friends from Mexico to stay with us. They've been looking at apartments, cause they had to be out of their house on the 1st. They didn't have anything finalized, so they are going to stay with us for a few days while they finish looking. We were gone last night, but got back in time to do a quick clean up of the carpeted area and then they were here. It's not much, but better than wasting money on a hotel. They are having their kids still go to school in their old area until they know where they are going, so they haven't been here during the day, but it's fun to visit with them at night. Ivet and I went on a walk this morning. I didn't exercise yesterday morning, and if I don't get it in in the morning I usually don't get a chance to redeem myself. But yesterday I kinda got dinner set up by putting lasagna in the oven and I got a salad ready, and then I went on a one way walk up the canyon at 4:50pm. Corey drove up to pick me up around 6 before he came home after work. I almost got in 4 miles. It was nice to get out of the house and to not be on the treadmill. I'm glad spring is here. 

So we have basement guests for a few days, and today was also an important day because (drum roll...) today we moved Owen and Daniel out of our bedroom! I wanted to do a complete overhaull/rearrangment by moving all the girls together again, and then let Owen and Daniel have the small room, but Mel asked if we could wait on that until after she leaves. Yes, we will have to rearrange again in the fall anyway, so ok, we'll wait. 

I haven't been going into the basement because #1 I'm pretty sure it's a disaster that I don't want to acknowledge and #2 cause it's our friends space for a few days. But the kids don't mind going down there. They came upstairs this afternoon with the mouthguard game things, which I'm pretty sure were up high on a shelf, so I'm guessing that they are turning things upside down down there and that it's a total wreck. Daniel wanted me to put it in his mouth. After the first try, I really wasn't sure it would fit. But he was insistent and we did it. Say cheese!
Natalie is a ham, which by definition is "someone who enjoys performing and who tends to behave in an exaggerated or playful way when people are watching." We're watching you Natalie!
Natalie and Daniel
I'm sure that is what I'm going to look like in a few days when I go see the toy mess/damage that has been done down there!

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