Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Snuggle Bug

So like two weeks ago, I gave it a try to nurse Peter while I'm at the computer. If I use a big fluffy pillow, he gets comfy and nurses while I type and go over money or blog. So we're both happy! I was able to catch up January and February, so that's good! It also helps that he's got the warm fabric already all around him, so my transfers to the couch or a bed have also been pretty successful.
Here he is in the boy's room in Hyrum's Big Joe chair. The boys room is one of the safest places to hide Peter in a place where I can hear and see him, but he is off of Owen and Daniel's radars unless he cries.
So I was able to keep getting my oh so important "stuff" done. After another feeding I transferred him to a couch in my room - little snuggle bug -
Mel held him when she came home from school. Time for me to get dinner ready.

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