Friday, April 12, 2019

NOVA Graduation

Daniel and Owen sleep in Mel and Abi's room right now. Daniel was all scrunched up next to the screen of his play pen this morning.
Are you comfortable, little D?
That was at 7:30 this morning, but I let him keep sleeping and I went and turned on the fridge.
It was making the stupid noise again two days ago, so we've had it off for 24 hours to melt. Gives me a good excuse to clean it out and find the rotten and moldy food hidden inside.
At 9:30 Daniel was awake. He doesn't have a carry around blanket like Owen. But he does have a twin sized bed comforter in his pack N play. He likes having a big blanket to hide in.
I see you Daniel!
Talk to the hand, Mom.
So today was a big day for Abi. It was Nova Graduation, oooo. Abi wanted me to come. I was able to because Wesley came home to attend to sleeping toddlers. Otherwise I would not have made it, cause sorry, it's just not worth it to wake them up.
Abi got a few awards for whatever it is that they do in Nova - build a rocket and something else...
Abi, refresh my memory.... And what does NOVA even stand for? I could probably google it to find out, but I'm not going to. She got to go give high fives and fist bumps as he received her diploma
Abi holding her diploma in her right hand. She does have one, she just forgot to hold it up and it just happens to blend perfectly with the floor.
Abi was one of the 4 students chosen to read her "Nova Constitution" and she felt very honored by that. But even with that prestigious privilege, that wasn't enough to beat out Peter for being the hightlight of the show...
Abi really wanted me to bring Peter, so I did, and I thought that photo was precious of her friends all adoring him... All those cute future mothers. And two other items of interest - my BlendTec pitcher had a broken seal, so I drove down to their showroom to buy a new one. And look at this entrance!
It's a blender! and as you walk in the door, under your feet is a glass floor and you can see a rotating blade under neath. I thought it was pretty fun. So got a new pitcher, yay, I'm going to start blending greens and some vegan protein shakes. And last pic - I save Peter his first haircut today. Cause it was looking a little silly with that dark hair in the back but nothing on the sides and only a little bit on top.

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