Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Catching Up

So it's been a crazy busy hectic kind of May. This little guy is part of my therapy.
Although he probably could be labeled as the cause of a lot of my stress, cause my productivity has been cut in half since his cuteness joined our family.
Yes Peter, it's your fault!
Actually, I rather just pretend none of the chaos exists and snuggle with him in bed.
This Maycember video captures the chaos and overall feeling I've been having very well (aka Maycember sucks!)

Corey and I watched that together last Friday. Made me feel better. So, the high school kids are done now and Mel is graduating tomorrow. Wes is finished with jr. high. I am hoping that life will slow down a bit with not having to get those 4 kids out the door in the morning. The elementary kids still have two weeks. We'll see how it goes with the older kids at home - I'm hoping they'll be helping out and I'll be able to catch up on the blog and recording life's events these past two months. It's been nuts. Luckily Maycember is almost over! Here's some of it in a nutshell (things I need to blog about!)

Melodie - GMS gala, Lyceum, Concerts, Chamber rehearsals, Utah Symphony Youth All Stars, Flute lessons, AP tests, work
Ethan - Crescent, sectionals, JEN conference, jazz band, Wind Ensemble, Lessons, AP test
Hyrum - he's our only not very busy child. Did have AP test
Wesley - SBO and getting ready for COW, Little Big Band Rehearsals and Studio recording, Ballroom rehearsals and performances, Utah Youth Jr. Symphony Orchestra, carpool, kidnapping new SBOs, hanging with friends
Abi - flute lessons, piano lessons, piano recital, soccer games, soccer practice, NOVA, State float parade
Lily - Coding Camp, piano recital, piano lessons, school spirit day
Sophi - violin lessons, group lesson, violin recital, school spirit day
Natalie - Kindergarten program, field trip, playing with friends
Owen and Daniel - naptime at 1:00
Peter - 4 month check up

On top of all that we've had more than a few visitors coming and going. Iveth has helped make the house liveable, but basement guests and crazy mornings mean that I haven't had space or time to exercise. I did so good, I will do good again, I'm telling myself it's not that my habit has been ruined, it was just a temporary chaos and I can and will get back on the wagon as soon as it slows down. Diet has been pretty good. Ok, I'm going to start blogging now, we'll see how much I can get caught up on in the next 2 hours if I go to bed at midnight. I'll start with today - I had an early morning. I checked on Wes at 5:20 - he had woken up on his own and was in the shower (way to go buddy! I think you're ready for high school!) We left at 5:50 to go get another student body officer, then we went to pick up two new officers and then I drove them out to Holladay for a breakfast surprise thing. I got back in time to take carpool - my last time, hallelujah. (I'm going to try and take a Monday or Friday drive shift next year, they get more holidays off!) 

Mel had a graduation rehearsal this morning, then the high school kids had a breakfast at the Seminary building, and then they hug out with friends for a bit. I drove Ethan to do work for my parents, went to Walmart to buy some Junk in the Trunk "Minute to Win It" supplies for Corey - which he needed for a Youth activity tonight, and then I went home to drop off my groceries, then back to pick up E, back home so he could get his dress up clothes, then out to drop him off at his friends house by Skyline (he had a SBO thing up at the U) then I went to pick up Hyrum at a friends house, then took him by to pick up some English lesson folders things he's working on for ymad, then fill up the car, then Corey texted, luckily I hadn't headed for home yet and so I went by his parents house to pick him up (his car is getting some body work done, it's been falling apart bit by bit) and then home. The dinner plans I had were then changed cause now I didn't have time to prep it. Plus Peter was starving cause I had left him with Mel and he was famished. Anyway, that is a kinda typical Maycember afternoon. Kinda sucks. I feel busy but like I'm not accomplishing my goals, so it's just go go go with no reward or feelings of success. I think I need a walk in the mountains. It's been so rainy though that I haven't been outside much. I guess I'll blame it on the rain. When we got home, Corey stayed in the car to work and so Owen wouldn't see him or know he was back. Joseph called as I walked in too - so I spent an hour talking to him. We sure miss that kid, he's almost been gone a year!! Crazy, I hope it keeps zippin' by. And yeah, that's about it for today. Busy busy. I apologized to Joseph that I hadn't written him again! I told the truth that I've haven't had time to sit at the computer - I'm not blogging, I don't check facebook, I'm not in the EJC, I'm just not online, I just run around like a crazy Maycember mother of 12. I set like 5 alarms for to write him and it didn't help me. When I saw he was calling, I said outloud "Is it Wednesday?!?!" I'm losing myself (Matt 10:39), I hope that is a good thing. 

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