Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Another COW Done

Today was the COW - Churchill Office Winners. Wes made a really cute Thor.
(Although I know "cute" wouldn't describe the look he was going for...) Poor kid, he just can't help himself. Daniel saying hi to Iron Man.
Corey wasn't able to come this year, and we also didn't get the girls out of school to come like we did last year when we let them come to see Wesley be announced as the new Governor. This year we didn't turn it into as big of a deal because Wes was just passing the torch. His parent's were there to support as always. Wayne made a nice cameo in the COW film they showed, he had one of the infinity stones above his computer! 
Nancy saved me and helped me get the toddlers in the building in the pouring rain. Ethan and his good friend Ella.
And the COW began - Avengers unite!
It was pretty much the same video quality and concept as we've seen in previous years of the COW. Wes got a good cheer when they were ready to pass the mantel of leadership. He looked "cute" again - little Wes, barely able to see over the podium...
Then Thanos came out and there was an epic battle...
Thanos defeated and dead on the stage - (that teacher was a good sport)
Wes and his cousin Jordyn - 
Another year, another COW success and checked off. Abi will be starting at Churchill next year, and Wes is heading to Skyline. Ethan was just at Churchill and now he's going to be starting his Senior year. It's crazy to realize how quickly time is passing. Soon all our little Joseph's will be talking to us on the phone with a year of mission experiences under the belt! Wes will be a Senior before we know it and soon Abi will be the up and coming freshman. Hang on tight, here come life full speed at us!

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