Friday, May 24, 2019

First Grade Magic

Sophia had her "First Grade Magic" performance at school today. They were told to dress fancy, so she wore a dress and I helped her curl her hair this morning.
I had all the little kids in tow with me, and Wes along to help.
I wouldn't have survived with out Wesley there. Owen and Daniel were not very good. I'm glad Wes got out of school yesterday, it was just in time. The past few week I've been on the verge of breaking from the stress of this past month! I have felt a bit of a burden lifted with graduation and school ending yesterday for the older kids - yay, I get my mornings back! And also our last guest left yesterday, we dropped him off on the way to Mel's graduation. We got to her graduation late, but like 1 minute after the procession ended, so it was probably about perfect. Anyway, where was I... Sophi's program. Corey's mom brought a treat for her to tell her good job. I plan on doing that when I'm a grandmother too.
Sophi was surprised (you can't really see it here, but she's go a big smile)
And then the hug. Thanks Grandma!
Group photo! (Daniel, you look great!)
JeNeal wanted a picture of Sophi - so she struck a pose.
Then on our way out, I snapped a picture of Natalie and her kindergarten class with their 4th grade buddies - teaching them how to do school lunch next year. My cute girls.
Older kids are done, but we're still in the thick of it though - Ethan had a Crescent recording today, one more week of music lessons, a few more school programs next week and a bike rodeo. I know summer will go by quickly but I plan to make it a good one. Next year I won't have a kindergartener to give my day a half way break, so the kids will all be gone all day and I'll be home with my 3 little boys. And life goes on.

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