Monday, May 27, 2019

Music Stuff and Ballroom Trip

Just a few pictures from this weekend - Ethan on Saturday giving Peter his first music lesson.
He's giving us a look to tell us not to laugh at him.. this is serious stuff!
"Cyborg with no big boy words to say... It's Not the Future..." (we love those songs, we listen to that one and we still love Seagulls and Bushes of Love regularly. Also "It's Not a Moon" has become a new favorite, not sure how we missed seeing it a year ago)
Peter was intently focused on the music. That was Saturday. Here is Owen down for his nap on Sunday...
Yeah, we're lacking in the nap routine so far this summer. And summer hasn't even officially started yet, already we're struggling.
Peter being adorable as always. He likes sitting in the super saucer!
We're gonna share all 6 pics cause he's adorable.
Adorable in every single one.
We need to change the lyrics to Bye Bye Love to a new song we'll sing when we see Peter -
"Hello love! Hello happiness! Hello loveliness! I think I'm gonna die..." Yes we're gonna die cause he's so cute! 4 months old - 3-6 is my favorite stage, so freakin' cute.
Today we drove up to Mark's house for a bbq. I stuffed myself full of veggies on the way up and was thus able to resist any sugar and treats and processed food - I did enjoy some pineapple for my dessert, delicious. Go me! I'm going a little challenge in the EJC and I'm really gonna do it - no sugar for 3 weeks. 3 days done and I'm 100%!
And we got back in time to drop of Wesley at Churchill.
He's going to be in California this week and Disneyland for a tour with Ballroom. It wasn't required or anything, but he really wanted to go, and he's been such a long suffering kid that I wanted to loan him the money for the trip. He's going to work it off this summer. Two examples of his long suffering are:

1) during the school year he'd always wait for Mel after they go down for Lyceum and Little Big Band - usually he goes a little early and Mel waits a little to pick him up, but sometimes she'd have a double rehearsal and so we'd just tell him to wait for her, which meant he was waiting for like 3 extra hours and didn't get home until 9pm after an early morning at school for SBO, going early for that with Ethan to jazz band (leaving at 6:15 instead of 6:45 - he didn't have to be there until 7. But to save us a trip we made him go early. He never complained about it, thank you Wesley!

2) another example of his long suffering was when he was stuck as a tag along in the car when Ethan was filing his taxes until almost 1 am. He just suffers through it, which is helpful for our large family. Thank you Wesley, you're a great kid. Hope you have a fun time!

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