Thursday, May 2, 2019


It's time to get serious. Peter is over 3 months old now. Time to get this weight off. Kale is gonna help me.
With my daily dozen, I usually am good at getting everything into my diet, except my greens. I often don't get my leafy greens in. So I'm going to focus on that this week. I do love salads, but also feel like I don't have a lot of time to sit and eat, so we're gonna go with the fast and easy method of smoothies to get my greens in.
Wasn't necessarily good, but it wasn't bad. And I finished my kale. Good job, go me.
SODP came to the store with me today. Sophi helped push around the flat bed while I pushed the little boys in the cart. We loaded up on the good stuff. All good stuff, except some ice cream that I got for Abi to take as treats tomorrow to her soccer game. 
Also Top Ramen, which isn't healthy but keeps the kids happy. It's usually me trading their health for my not hearing complaints. But if I take Dr. Phil's advice, I'm thinking about myself and not thinking about them if I'm giving them something that's bad and doing it because it makes me feel better. I think we do eat more whole foods, more than we did last year. Hopefully little by little we'll keep getting better. Kale yeah!

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