Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Busy Wednesday

Today Iveth came over. Our house guest, junior, was out of the house for the day, so this was our opportunity to go downstairs and see what mess/damage had been done by kids in the basement. It was a mess, but Iveth worked her magic again (I helped) and we got it clean in 90 minutes. Last time it was 4+ hours. It's been nice having Iveth's help here at home. Originally we talked about her coming over twice a week, Monday and Wednesday, for 90 minutes, so I was ready to let her go back to her family after we were done with the basement, but she asked quite persistently if there was anything else she could help me with. No, it's okay. "Are you sure" The main floor was already still clean from Monday, but I said that I was going to continue to clean the upstairs bedrooms, but I was good to do it myself. She said she would help. So up we went and we cleaned all the kids bedrooms, under the beds, and made the beds! Our house has never been so clean! Sadly, the master bedroom is the messiest place in the house now, I'll have to try to fix that. But after cleaning for 3 hours together, Joseph called, we introduced him to Iveth, she kept cleaning, I tried to talk to him, but it was hard to hear him again. She finished the kids bedrooms at 2 and headed home with Asis and Maria and I got ready to go pick up kids. The fiesta is outta gas and the teens didn't want to fill it up, so they've been without a car. Plus the check engine light it on, so we need to take it in anyway. So, I took Wesley to Little Big Band today. When I picked him up, I realized I'd forgotten his trumpet. So we went back home and then left for LBB. He was 40 min late. Yay for having a dvd player in the car, cause it helped the kids not mind the long trip. I took all the kids cause we were going to go to the wood park. We pulled up, and surprised disappointment, we saw that the whole park was gone!

Luckily it is being rebuilt. But it is scheduled to take a week, they are starting this Saturday. So we'll have to come back, but as for now, we're outta luck. So we would have gone to Costco, but I didn't have my visa card. It was damaged and I'm waiting for a new one to be sent. So, we just drove around to try and find another park and eventually we found one.
It had a parking stall close by, which worked for me, cause I was able to feed Peter in the car and still see them.

Abi said it was a pretty lame park. And I agree, it was small and hardly worth the 2 hours in the car wait. So Abi found a tree that she thought was more interesting than the slide.
But Owen and Daniel were super happy playing.
"Dat Fun!" said Daniel over and over again.
Sophi got a few blisters from the monkey bars, and she and Owen joined Abi in a different tree for a bit.
Soon they were ready to go. With me being gone, I did not get dinner ready. Corey started some frozen chicken nuggets and tater tots, and I said I'd reward the kids with some ice cream for their good endurance of the afternoon. Abi had to hurry and blow some dandilions before she got in the car.
I warned her to never never blow those near our lawn. Corey showed us this BYU short film last week - - cute animations, but that was NOT a happy ending in our opinion. I like flowers, but not dandilions. I have been eating sooo awesome this week, but I didn't have any nice cream on my birthday, so I said yes and let myself enjoy some good Ben and Jerry's non dairy dessert. Yum. So that was our busy day and run around afternoon.

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