Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mom's School Year is Done!

The older kids finished school a week ago. The little kids have one more week, but we are going to go on a little vacation on Sunday, so tomorrow is the last day for our elementary girls. That means that the programs I went to today are the last ones of this school year. So, after a busy day, I am done!

I have been missing the morning walks I did in the mountains last year. So this morning, woke up early and Iveth and I went on a hike together, yay! Our first of the year! We've got ambitious plans to get ourselves and our kiddos into nature this summer. It was a good morning. I got home, got kids up, and after they were out the door, I woke up Mel so she could babysit Owen and Daniel while I went to Abi and Lily's combined America and Utah Program. Hooray only one little one with me. I still barely made it though the program. But I always like this program. The part where they sing the songs to each of the branches of the military is really cool, cause veterans in the audience stand when their song is sung. It's pretty powerful. There was someone from each branch of the armed forces.
It was a big group with both grades....which means there was not a lot of parking stalls available, which I knew would be the case, which is one reason why I walked. I didn't have a great view of my kids, but I was there.
They saw me too, so yay it counts.
The program started at 9:15, and right after there was a brief awards ceremony and then a US States Float Parade. And there was also a 1st grade Bike Rodeo at 10:15. I didn't know if Abi or Lily were getting any awards (they didn't) but I stuck around for that. Peter was getting impatient though. After taking a picture with Lily...
I hurried out to the bike Rodeo. Another reason why I walked was to bring Peter in a stroller, so that Sophi could push Peter around the bike course for the rodeo. It was the option Sophi chose cause she wasn't able to learn how to ride her bike yesterday and cause she didn't want to be a baby riding Owen's bike with training wheels. I hurried outside to deliver Peter, who I was sure would be fussing during the event. Lucky for him and me, another kind parent had let Sophia borrow their scooter and helmet. 
Riding around the course... (No one stopped at the intersection)
Ok, almost done here! We waited for Abi to come by with her float for Washington State. She made it all by herself. Well, I helped a little bit writing the letters for Washington on the side. 
She got this wagon during the bulk clean up from a neighbor's pile. It's wheels were pretty much falling off. 
After she did her 3 laps around the school, I prompty walked it over to the dumpster and threw it in. I didn't want to walk home with it, and I've been waiting to throw it away for 3 weeks, so yay, another year of the state parade completed. The parade has come full circle - Abi was in Joseph's parade 8 years ago, and now she was the big kid in the parade. Here was Hyrum's float and Wesley's program and parade. The years are tickin' by fast now. I went back to the school again to see the beginning of the program at 2:30, where they performed for the school. Abi sang the national anthem by herself, acapella. She was crying on Tuesday after they had done a rehearsal at school. She said she was so nervous. I told her to just practice and practice and she did, and today she did great. She started off pretty high, and so the later notes were super high, but she was able to hit them and was in tune, so I thought it was pretty good for a kid with no experience singing. I was really surprised she was brave enough to try out and even more impressed that she made it. Good job Abi, way to get outside your comfort zone and try something hard!

Good job sweetie. It was a busy day. After going to see the anthem, I took Mel to Corey's parent's house so she could borrow his car for flute, and then back home, took Abi to flute lesson, then to the store to try and find little gifts the girls can give their teachers tomorrow, and then a throw together of dinner (Corey and I both got home at at the same time) and it was a kinda not great evening, but I'm glad the school year is almost over. One day more!

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