Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Being Present

Owen and Daniel were playing so sweetly together this morning. They were just sitting out on the driveway with their little hot wheel cars...
Yeah, the middle of the driveway might not be the safest place for little toddlers, but I was watching them. 
I went outside to get closer to them. I squatted down next to them and it was fun to be down at their level and see what they were looking at. I was like "So this is what our driveway looks like!"
We saw roley polies and ants and box elder bugs. Their cars drove up and down the sidewalk. Iveth came over today and helped me clean and her kids played with mine. It's nice having the house clean, and I'd like us to create a system that helps it stay clean, rather than getting it clean being a goal that we have to keep setting. As I've learned recently "Focus on the systems, and the goals will take care of themselves." That's a quote from a new book I'm reading. So I'm becoming a bit more aware and am doing a slightly better job at being present. I've been surprised at what a good mood I've been in lately. I have not had any sugar since Friday nigh date night. Holly at the EJC is doing a Sugar Free Me 21 day challenge. I really wanted to do a solid 21 straight days, so I started over after Mel's graduation, cause I had some treats that day. Holly has based a lot of the challenge on looking at our habits and cravings and why we do what we do. I think she's based a lot of it off of the book Atomic Habits by James Clear, which she shared and recommended. I started reading that today and oooh, this is going to be good! I'm feeling proud and in control of myself and I'm going to make it 21 days. And who knows, maybe I'll keep going after that. I went to a BBQ with Corey's family last night (he stayed home to work and try to get some Youth Conference stuff done, which he has been in charge of this year as the Young Men's president for our ward.) But I went and I stuffed myself with cauliflower on the drive up, then ate sugar snap peas and veggie while we were there, and finished off with pineapple for dessert. I was not tempted by the cake or ice cream or chips. I'm not even looking at them. I'm excited for what I'm going to learn as I go back and revisit the Sugar Free Me lessons Holly has sent and learn more about myself and what I'm really craving when I'm stressed and want to eat cookies. I'm hoping to be more present and happier as I learn about my habits.
If you get this book, read it and let me know what you think! I'm only 2 chapters in, but it's really really good. Focus on small changes, just the 1%!

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