Friday, May 10, 2019

More Mom Moments

I came in the kitchen today to find that Owen's toy cars had been caught in a snow storm.
I thought it was kinda funny. Still annoying, but funny. Also, the bulk clean up is coming up soon, which means there is a lot of material out in the street that is up for grabs and that my children bring back to our yard. Lily brought home a bunch of discarded branches and made a "Pixie Hollow"-ish place for their new Barbie creations to live in.
I think all the mom moments lately are to help my upcoming Mother's Day celebration be more memorable. It has been a pretty stressful month. It seems like Corey and I have hardly talked or seen each other. We did finally go out on a date tonight, but it had been a few weeks. I feel better after talking with him. I got a little bit of coaching from Holly about coping with the stress of end of the school year and also our family being a little off routine with company. She said "A service based lifestyle requires a great deal of personal sacrifice..." and also suggested that, as a couple, we revisit our life and see if we are living a life we want - is this what we signed up for? I took a lot of notes from her voxer messages. If this is what we want, then we need to be sure we connect and communicate often to get the support we need from each other to make it through. If it's not what we want, then we are free to make changes. Tonight on our date (Red Butte Cafe) we didn't talk too much about a plan of attack, we just enjoyed each other's company. I guess we'll start making a plan after we drag ourselves across the school year finish line!

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