Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Our little family has really grown over the past 20 years. Here we are in 2001~
Here we are 9 years later in 2010 before we headed to Costa Rica -

And add 9 years again, takes us to 2018 with 11 kids and one on the way
We need to get family pictures taken again soon. So, yes, family and motherhood. It's been a good ride so far, I'm excited to see where the next 20 years take us. I think it's gonna be a blast.

Today we got up early and made it to church in time. Iveth and her kids came to church with us. I invited Iveth knowing that there would be a good message and a sweet Mother's Day treat after church was over. It's really cool how many people in our ward speak Spanish. It was fun to have Iveth and her kids there. After church, the kids all gave me the cards and presents they had made at church and at school.
Then I was thankfully able to get in a Mother's Day nap before the bbq and I didn't even feel guilty about it, ha. Mel got one too, she and Peter looked so cute!
Aww, she's going to be a great mother.
Corey and the kids got everything set up. 
We had Corey's family over and our friends from Mexico (Iveth and kids, Diego was at work), Chile (Gabriel and his daughter Valentina), and Guatemala (Junior).
We had an epic soccer game going on in the backyard. Gabriel and Junior really showed us all up though. Latinos got skills, Gringos do not.
Yes, I used to think I was quite the player, but let's get real... I turned in my cleats for diapers a long time ago. I'm going to stop pretending, unless it's just passing the ball at the park. My dribbling skills were never that amazing and now it's just pretty sad. But it was fun. After the dinner was over, people went home except for Iveth and kids. They played with our kids in the bulk clean up loot. They found a box spring mattress and tried to recreate their ride from last year. Corey joked "How come we're all the only ones playing outside with the garbage?" Hmm, I wonder if there is something wrong with us? We might be a little trashy. We'll work on that these next 20 years and see if we can step it up a bit.

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