Sunday, May 5, 2019

Next Generation of ABC Books

In 2007 I moved from scrapbooking to blogging, so I guess it was inevitable that if I ever want to catch up I'd need to leave my paper and lamination ABC Books behind to go digital and online... The little kids have recently been looking at the older siblings ABC Books. Owen was reading one of the books to Junior this week outside.
Junior was looking for work, so Corey offered to hire him to do some yard work for us. Owen likes to go out with a little hand shovel and help him.
Anyway, the little kids haven't asked where their books are. But I bet it's coming, so I'm trying to get "ahead" of them, even though I'm 7+ years behind! I finally got around to making a book for Lily in 2014, and that was the last one, so I need to do Sophi, Natalie, Owen, Daniel, and now Peter. Yikes, I have my work cut out for me. I'm setting a (hopefully) realistic goal to do them all before summer is over. Mark, set, GO! I googled Blurb books but clicked on Snapfish, and that's the first one I've been tinkering with today. I can't replicate pages, which seems dumb. That would be the best if I could just copy and paste and then change out the letters and sentence. So what I decided to do was make a kinda blank format that hopefully I'll be able to edit and then "Save As" for each kid. First step is finding photos, so that's my homework for this week. I should probably set small measurable steps, since this will be a several step process for each kid.
I will need to write this goal down so I don't forget! But this will be a good thing to work on on Sundays.

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