Monday, May 6, 2019

Tickle Peter

Well, Peter is pretty adorable and it's so fun to watch him grow. He is starting to laugh! Mel got a few good smiles and chuckles out of him today.
Isn't he so pretty?!?
Here's the video of his delightfulness

So, we're all still obsessing over this little man, and that's about it.
There are less than 3 weeks of school left for the older kids. Our friend Junior is going to stay with other neighbors for a few weeks, which is very helpful, cause we've got another Latin American guest coming tomorrow, Gabriel from Chile, Angela's husband. Corey knew Angela on his mission and they became good friends and have kept in touch. They helped us have a place to sleep when we couldn't get out of their country back in 2011 when we lived in Chile for a few months. And we have since been able to have them visit us here a few times and make some great memories. I love them, but I do think all the hosting we're doing is taking a slight toll on me. My morning routine is off and haven't been exercising as well. I brought up my weights from the basement but haven't been using them in my room. So I feel a little off balance. But I am still eating or drinking Kale everyday, so that's a win. With it being May with all of the crazy end of the year make a dash for the finish line chaos it brings, I'm not going to beat myself up, just going to try and keep going slow and steady. It's been nice having Iveth come help. 

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