Sunday, June 9, 2019

Family Vacay Recap

We got back yesterday from a little family vacation. I missed getting my laptop as I packed last Sunday, but asked Corey to grab it. He did, and I never got it out. So it spent the entire trip in his car. My thoughts of blogging were in vain. Thus I am behind on the blog, as usual. But here's a quick recap of what we did this past week with a pic or two:

Sunday - Corey, Mel, and Abi went to Music and the Spoken word with Iveth and Diego. I took 9 little kids to church.
They came back and we all went to St. George for the night - us, Iveth and Diego and kids, and Corey's parents.
Played games and visited, we went outside to play and got yelled at for being too noisy! 
Monday - Iveth, Diego, and I take a morning hike at Owen's Loop. Iveth and Diego head back home, we and Corey's parents go on to Newport.
We arrive and Corey takes kids whale watching. JeNeal and I watch Daniel and Peter. Come back for a late swim.
Tuesday - Day 2 at Newport. Marriott Timeshare presentation at 9, I was impressed. Took the kids swimming - Just in case I've never mentioned it before, Peter is so cute!
Paddle Boarding at 4, then Corey rented a boat, but I and the little kids missed the boat, my bad. Dinner - Hamburgers and fries

Wednesday - Day 3 at Newport. Laguna Beach. We're kinda a big group.
Joseph called as we were getting on the shuttle. I forgot to put myself on mute when I called for the kids to say cheese and you could hear it through Corey's phone. He told me to shhh.
The beach was super fun.
Daniel got wiped out almost right away, then he was done so Corey took him back.
Hyrum dared the ocean to do it's worst. He is not afraid anymore!
The rest of the kids had fun and were busy digging for almost the entire 3 hours.
Mel and Abi buried their brothers.
It was funny.
Thursday - Head to Las Vegas. Stay at Worldmark. Corey, Mel and I go to Donny and Marie show
Friday - in Vegas - leave Worldmark, stay at Marriott Chateau. 
Lego 2 movie at pool.
Saturday - head home, arrive at 8pm. My mom broke into our house and washed our dishes and brought us Costa Vida for dinner, that was a nice surprise.


  1. To Clarify what daring "the ocean to do it's worst". Rather than building a sand castle I built a wall closer to the waves that proved to powerful for the ocean.

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