Monday, June 10, 2019

Summer Kick Off!

Yesterday Abi and I made a list of things to do this summer, and we made a little type of activity that we'll do each day:

Monday - Mountains
Tuesday - Trails (might change this to "Tiffanie" and I get to do whatever I want!)
Wednesday - Water
Thursday - Think (like a museum or historical place, gotta learn something!)
Friday - Free day or Family day? My sister suggested "Flavor" and we can go out to eat
Saturday - Super, where we do a bigger activity or outing - like go on a drive (no more than 4 hours from home) and maybe spend the day

I recognize that this is pretty ambitious to think I'll get out everyday, so we're gonna start slow and simple. And if we make it out 3x each week, we'll count that as a win. So that's the plan of attack and we're testing it out this first week of summer. Since we just got back from our trip, today is like the official first day of summer break for us. Last night Wesley asked me to wake him up at 7 to practice. I had totally forgotten that, before the trip, I has asked him to practice every morning to get some of his Ballroom Tour Debt forgiven. What a good kid. He got up right away and played the morning wake up call - To The Colors - before he started practicing. It's a great way to start the day! I took Sophi out to her violin lesson, which is on Mondays during the summer. She was dressed as Poison Ivy
She's got tulle wrapped around he legs and hands as the poison ivy stuff.
When she was home from her lesson, they quickly got back into their game
These are the DC Superhero girls that they are dressed as.
Lily as Batgirl. Lily is also the leader of these games.
Sophi as Poison Ivy
Natalie as Starfire
Abi and Wes hurried into the photo, they are superheroes too!!
Then Wes upgraded his quick paper mask for a real villan outfit.
And he joined in their game for a little bit. So that was the regular summer type stuff we had going on, then at 7pm, Iveth and I planned the "Mountain Monday" activity by going up into the canyon to the Temple Quarry trail. I told her how we had a photo of all our kids on the bench when we did family photos in 2016... we tried to recreate that, haha
The kids loved climbing the big boulders.

It was not fun to watch them climb and worry about them falling off to their death or atleast to their injury, but we made it through the outing without any trips to the ER. 
We also went by the river, which was very full and fast, another cause for slight stress for Iveth and me.
The kids were excited to throw rocks into the water.
I remember taking Hyrum for a 1 on 1 date when we lived in Virginia, so he was like 3, and he and I spent out time throwing rocks into a little stream. He called it "rockets".
Daniel threw the rocks over and over again with an "I did it!" each time. Good job Daniel! Throw "I did it!!" Good job! Throw "I did it!" Good job! Repeat 10x. Such simple pleasures.
There's a flood warning this week cause it's getting really warm now and the snow in the mountains is melting fast. So we were very careful watching them and nagging them to watch how close they got.
We found one more long bench and Abi wanted the picture again, but this time in proper oldest to youngest order.
This outing wouldn't have happened without Abi's help, so I let her call the shots sometimes, so we took the picture again.
Then we hiked up the trail for a bit until it was almost 9 and Iveth had to go pick up her husband from work. So it was fun, hooray for a great first day of summer!! It's gonna be a great summer break, I'm excited.

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