Sunday, June 23, 2019

Lily is 10!

Happy Birthday Lily! Our little Lily is 10 today - one decade down, here's to atleast 9 more!
Lights off for some ambiance
My mom delivered Lily's presents yesterday. One of the gifts was a box of cereal. Corey took this picture of Eth in his hovering/threatening stance asking/demanding some lucky charms. Most of the kids don't dare say no to him. Corey said Lily's expression showed "the joys of giving"
We dressed up Daniel super dapper today - with a little tie and vest and a slicked over hairdo!
I let him take selfies during church to keep him quiet.
At church today, one of the youth talked about Aidan talk in church about Youth Conference. I emailed his mom asking for a copy, since I don't know much of what happened I enjoyed listening to it and thought it was a good sum up. During the second hour today, Mel and Abi had Young Women in Excellence where they got awards for things they've been working on. My poor Abi was almost in tears the whole time, didn't get anything, not even a book mark, but I haven't been helping her at all, so we worked on that today after we got home church. When we walked in the door, like 10 min after church let out, the teenage boys had already ruined the birthday sign. Lily's new name is Yil and she is apparently zero years old!
The first pictures I posted were taken when we had the cake after church.
We almost have to set rules about who gets to light the birthday candles, cause everyone wants a turn.
Kids played with Lily's new toys, and the new kitchen and stuff from Jersh, and Abi and I did Young Women stuff. I'm going to try and have her have some goals that help me clean around the house, ha!
Abi made a little house area with kitchen, dining table (Mel sitting on it) living room area (pink chair) bedroom (toddler bed) and behind Mel is the bathroom - with one of Owens small training pottys. I told Abi it was okay to have the potty there as long as no one really uses it. But I didn't clarify that rule with Owen, so we'll see how that goes!

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