Saturday, June 22, 2019

Home From Youth Conference

Yesterday I watched Iveth's kids from 2-10 so that she could go to some Latino's making a difference summit thingy. She has asked me if Lily could babysit and wanted to pay her, I said sure. But around lunchtime I remembered that she was going to an art festival with a friend, so I just watched all the kids here, and texted her than instead of paying me, if she could come today and help me clean as a trade off of services? She liked that idea, so today she came and I have my sanity back and we finished about 10 min before everyone started to arrive home from Youth Conference. I was glad to have them all come back from such a busy weekend to a clean home. Corey took the van to be cleaned right away. While he was gone, Wes was having chest pains, saying it hurt to breathe. I called our pediatrician (also a neighbor) and asked if I should take Wes to the ER or Instacare, he said to just bring him over to his house. He was welding together a playset in his back yard (!!!) that kinda blows my mind, he is like an amped up jack of all trades guy, super impressive. He helped Wes and I ended my 4 weeks of no sugar by accepting a chocolate chip cookie that his wife Michelle's cute down syndrome sister had made. I probably shouldn't have eaten it with birthdays around the corner, ...I don't want to lose control! Anyway, the doctor gave Wes a ventilator and some stuff and Wes feels better. Everyone showered, I started laundry, and then they all crashed for the rest of the evening - Corey on the couch, Wes on the loveseat, and Hyrum in the window chaise.
It's so nice to have a clean house, yay.
I tried over the past few days to clear out toys and stuff. While they all slept I took Soph with me to DI to drop off stuff, yay,
Then to Jersh's to drop off climbing rope and pickup a little black side table she offered us. On our way to the DI I got a Marco Polo message from ...Nicole! She got Marco Polo! I'm excited to be able to send her messages there now, she's my 911 friend. I told her that she needed to get Marco Polo or WhatsApp or Voxer cause I needed a way to vent to her if I needed without having to call and leave a voicemail message. So now we're set to go, yay, I hope everyone has a BFF like she is to me. So while I was gone taking care of Wes and then to the DI, the rest of the little kids wanted to go play at Iveth's house and were there from 3-8 ish, which I kinda feel bad about cause that's a long time and plus she was already here all day cleaning. But I think it was okay, the kids all just played. She sent me pictures of them having fun.
Maria and Daniel.
Then playing baseball with a bit ball outside. Open your eyes Daniel! Haha, cute kid.
Then she fed them dinner (!!!) and they watched a movie.
Their basement is chilly, colder than it feels for them in winter, cause the thermostat is controlled by the people they rent from who live up higher in the house where you need the cold air in the hot Utah desert months. But it's super cold for these people used to warm Mexico weather.
We all love Iveth and her family. It's been a busy and great week, it's nice to have everyone back at home and we're looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow.

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