Friday, June 21, 2019

New Desk

Since Corey came home last night, I had a van this morning, so I hurried over to my sisters house to get the desk and toy kitchen. We barely were able to get it in the van. We tied the back hood down with a rope and I drove slowly on the way home.
On my way back, Iveth texted to see if I could help her - she wanted to attend a Latino summit today. She resigned herself last night to not being able to attend - it was too long for her to get a sitter. But then she woke up this morning with a "there is a way" attitude. I had mentioned last night that Lily had babysat for a neighbor so she asked if Lily could watch them from 2pm - 10pm. I said yes, and said she could watch them at our house. Lily is 10 but she seems about as big as Iveth's oldest, so I couldn't really see her being in charge of them over there. So they were going to come here, but when I mentioned it to Lily, Lily reminded me that she was going to an art festival with her friend from 3-9. So yeah, scratch that, I would just watch them. So I was with a houseful of even more little kids again today!

One exciting thing - before Iveth's kids came, I went outside and could smell MAJOR SKUNK. Turns out our next door neighbor had a mother skunk in her front window well, and a baby in her back window well!! She had a friend (who she said was a bit crazy and was willing to risk getting sprayed) come and get them out. Here's the momma skunk.
And the mother did spray him. I wonder how many babies she started out with. I was sorry we were the ones responsible for one of her babies being permanently gone. I hope that she only had the two and only one died, rather than having like 5 and maybe 4 of them have died so far! Animals have it kinda rough. Our baby birds a year ago had a 50% mortality. I saw a dead baby deer on the side of the road close to our house, sad. I've since told the deer in my heart that it's okay if they eat my roses, cause I'm lucky to not be dealing with the loss of my child.

And that's about it. Kids are here until 10, and when Diego comes to pick them up I'm going to ask him real quick if he can help me bring the desk inside - Corey needed the van again so we had to get it out, but he was in a hurry working and to leave, and the desk was so heavy, I said we could work on it getting it inside later. So it's still outside but I think with Diego's help we'll be able to atleast get it inside. Then I'm going to move it into Melodie's room and I'll take their small table/desk for my room!

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