Wednesday, June 26, 2019

New Study Area

So we got a new desk last week. We decided to put it in the girl's room, eventhough it's black and all their furniture is white, so sad for them. Abi would like to repaint it, but I don't think it would survive another trip down and up the stairs. It's super heavy, but the top hutch is screwed or sealed to the desk, so it's heavy and awkward to move. One of legs on it kinda broke as we put it in place in the girls room, so next time it gets moved, there's a good chance it will break. So sorry Abi, I told her we are not going to paint it white. It's on the wall behind the closet door, so it's not visible from the door, it will be okay. So since I moved that in their room, I took their previous desk for my room! It is my new "gospel stuff only" study area and I think it looks great!
This is my place to read scriptures and write in my study notebooks or journals are okay too, but I'm going to try my very best to not let this become a clutter magnet area or a place where I put my laptop or anything else. Gospel stuff only. I hope it will be a good new visual "cue" (See Atomic Habits book) to help me remember to make good time for the scriptures everyday. This was a sofa table that a neighbor gave us. It is narrow enough that it fits on the wall by my bed without blocking off the door. I don't think it will get in the way.

What else for today - the kids have been working at my parents' house this summer. Ethan has been doing office work for my mom, and Mel, Hyrum, and Wes have gone over now and then to help them with yard work. They are going to tear out their lawn and put in new landscaping. Mel went over and help my dad today - I took this picture when I took Ethan over.
And then E and Wes went to Crescent/LBB. I'm glad the kids are out of school, but summer has still been busy, but it's good. I'm getting a better handle on things as Peter gets older. I hope I catch my breath enough to survive this next school year.

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