Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Wes is 14!

We sang Happy birthday to Wes this morning with a sushi breakfast in bed. We were going for a repeat of last year, cause we haven't had sushi for a while and Wes has been requesting it. Wes wasn't in bed tho, he was in Lily's room - she was trying to keep him from going downstairs until I was back. I had gone to the store at 7am but there wasn't any sushi ready yet. So we were going to do oatmeal with blueberries but then I decided last minute to go get sushi again. So happy birthday at 9 am -
He was gone all day yesterday doing lots of yard work, so last night he came home, took a shower, and went to bed. Hence the major bed head.
Plus all the boys need haircuts too. Ethan and Hyrum and Wes all look really shaggy.
For Wesley's birthday today, I didn't have any presents ready for him. I didn't know what he wanted. He didn't really either. But I thought he should get shoes. So I just took him to a shopping center. He said he didn't want shoes. So what do you want. "I don't know, I just want something I can use when I'm bored. Can we just go see what they have in stores?" He wanted to go to Walmart. I didn't want to do Walmart, so I suggested we started in Deseret Book. Cause when he's bored, he could read the scriptures to prepare for seminary or for a mission! Haha, yay, this kid doesn't brush off his mother's lame "grown up" suggestions.) He found lots of things he could use: a new scripture case, some scripture marking markers, and a small preach my gospel. (The case was so big he didn't know what he would put it in, so I suggested that for him.) He got a small journal too. He wanted a spiral bound. I liked the book bound ones. I esp liked this quote on a journal.
Gotta put that on a wall around our house somewhere. Then we walked around Michaels. He got excited about all the beads, but when I showed him the price of each string of beads he had, he put them all back. He did like these glasses.
He's always excited about glasses and hats. But he already has a few pair. So after too long in there, and knowing from out past 2 stores that I could probably talk this kid into anything, so then instead of Ross, we went to DSW, which was where I wanted to take him in the first place.
He got a nice new pair of Vans for the school year. He has a cheapo Walmart pair to get him through the summer, I think we got them like a month ago and they already look hammered.
We asked Peter how he liked the shoes. He didn't seem to be impressed. (He was being such a good tag along baby)
Then I said we were done and could leave. He liked that.
(AHHHH!! HE IS SO PRETTY!!!!!) So that was that. Then I took Wes to Panda Express where he bought himself lunch, cause I had already exceeded my kid birthday budget. Then I came home, switched Wes for Abi and took her to her flute lesson, then to Walmart to find ricemilk. They didn't have any either! Costco doesn't have any, none at Walmart, what is going on world? I wish I had checked at Smiths on one of my two trips there this morning. I will check next time. I did have nice cream and cake today but I went 4 weeks without sugar which is pretty good. I'm not having more sugar or junk for a while, cause I don't feel good about myself when I eat junk. Still, hope it was a good one for ya Wes, you're a good kids, happy birthday!

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