Friday, June 28, 2019

Summer Friday

I went on a walk this morning, yay. Behold my beautiful roses!!!
I love the shadows on that one above, but this one was my favorite.
It's putting up a little competition for my all time favorite rose photo that I've taken
There are 8 lovely roses on our bush right now. Yay!
Here was our bedroom this morning when I got home. We have too many kids sleeping in our room...
Natalie is on the left on Corey's side, Owen in front, Daniel over on the right side/my side. Peter in the bed with Corey. We gotta figure something out. We have the keylock on the door, we just need to not be such softies maybe when they want to come in. But they are usually quiet. I don't mind so much at night, but I don't like them waking up Peter in the morning. Thankfully when I got back they were all still asleep. I woke up Wes. He got up and started practicing, what a good kid. Wes playing trumpet can turn any night with too many kids into a good morning for Corey.
Corey ate breakfast with kids around him, then helped Wes practice with toddlers underfoot. I caught this picture of Corey tossing Peter in the air, cute to see (ignore the messy mirror)
Corey with his little boys
We got kids practicing and Eth went to my parents to work and I went out for a few errands. I haven't been to Costco for almost two weeks. I didn't go last week cause Corey had the van for Youth Conference and I hadn't made it out earlier this week, and we were getting low on supplies, so I ran out today. We went to the Salt Lake Costco with hopes and prayers that they would have rice milk cause it is Crazy expensive to buy that anywhere else. Luckily this time they had it! It is the only Costco between SL and Orem that has ricemilk, although last time I took a special trip out there for it they didn't have any. I was glad they had it. We went straight for it, Abi is saying "Yessss". I don't know why they are not stocking the other stores with it anymore. We loaded up with 8 cases. With that we should be good for a month.
Abi came with me cause she's working on a goal for church where she has to plan the meals and do the shopping. So I took her with me. We don't use a cart at Costco anymore, too small. Well we took one this time to put the kids in, and the flat for the food. I pushed the flat in front and Abi was behind me with Owen and Peter. A lady passing out samples joked to her "You look too young to have a child that old!" Two more pictures - Peter stares into my soul when I nurse him, he is so beautiful. 
And tonight Peter and I matched for date night. I didn't realize it until after we got home and I saw myself holding Peter in the mirror, but we had coordinated our outfits pretty nicely!! Stripes and solids in navy and green.
June is almost over, summer is flying by.

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