Saturday, June 29, 2019

At 1 AM

Hey there. It was a busy Saturday. A few things from today:

  • Some drama with Ethan about his payment due today paying us back for his China trip.
  • Abi worked on sharing time and talk for sacrament meeting
  • I watched video on my phone about the Miracle of the Sun - it is a Catholic video Iveth wanted me to watch. (trailer here) I liked the movie. I think Iveth wanted me to see it to understand why the Rosary is important to her, but it left me with more questions about the Mary and what "her immaculate heart" is supposed to mean

It is now 1am on Sunday. I thought I'd come blog for a second, cause I don't want to clean the kitchen anymore.
It is a mess. I fell asleep nursing Peter, but woke up and knew I had food to put away in the kitchen.
I made a sit down dinner today. And no one helped clean up after and only half put away their plates. This is one of the problems with having a sit down dinner. They all hurried out the door to go for a drive with Corey and Hyrum.
I fell asleep at 9:15 pm after they left. I haven't been able to get away from Peter all day to do anything. The kids all practiced music today but not one did jobs. I woke up 11:15pm when they got back from Corey's parents (Hyrum drove, Corey and Hyrum took kids to park to play and Wes to friends bday party) I picked up kitchen a little, put "dirty" dishes back in cupboard (just water in cups, plates, bowls) dinner all still on table, put away food. exercised, 1:30 am now Sunday morning. Here's a close up of sink at 2am, after I cleaned up a little bit
Tomorrow Abi gives a talk in church and she invited Iveth, and after our church we're going to Catholic mass with her family. Should be fun. I'm going to take a bath now, maybe. Or I need to get up at 6 to do it. One more mess - there are also always a lot of shoes by the stairs. I'm glad they didn't wear them on the stairs, but wonder why we have cupboards for the shoes sometimes since people don't use them
Sigh. Goodnight

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