Friday, July 26, 2019

6 Months and 12 Days

I never did a post to officially commemorate the end of my favorite stage of babyhood: the 3-6 month phase. I did mention it on Peter's 6 month mark on July 14th, but here's a little more as we go through this month and see our favorite little guy get bigger. He is still nursing pretty exclusively, although I give him a banana now and then. I hope I always remember how sweet his eyes were as he looked up at me when he nursed. I love those big innocent and trusting eyes.
Mel and I were playing with him today, laughing at how he just folds up.
He grabbed his feet and proceeded to munch on them, and Mel picked him up, and he didn't skip a beat, just kept eating himself...
She was like holding him up as an offering, butting him down on the ground, and he stayed curled up in his little bean pose, nibbling on his toes.
It was funny. Peter is using his legs and feet for something else too - for balance! He can sit up!!!
Hold it - hold yourself steady! He does good for a minute and then his back gets a little tired and he starts to slouch over, but he's still doing pretty good! Good job baby!
What a cute little guy.
He's still light enough to go in his swing. He likes to look up at the lights twirling on the mobile.
And then other times he just stares at whatever, I was laughing at his expressionless/serious gaze. He is so beautiful. One other cute thing from today was when I saw Natalie come in and weigh herself.
On this scale, you have to like click it on by pressing on it with your foot, then step off or not touch it while it figures out what a zero balance is, then you can step on it. If you step on before it sets up, it gets confused and doesn't get the number right, or will set as a "zero" weight what it is with the person on it. So Natalie came in, and just stepped on it. The light came up and it tried to balance, then it said "0.00". Natalie then gave a sigh as she said to herself outloud "Zero Tall!...." then pausing as she thought "that's not right...." then she corrected herself "I mean Zero Heavy!" The way she said it was so cute, she seemed to sound relieved that she finally new her weight. It gave me a good laugh. We want to be healthy, but I don't think "zero heavy" will be sustainable for many people!

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