Saturday, July 27, 2019

Owen is 4!

Another day, another birthday! This time it's Owen's turn!! Happy Birthday buddy!!
I like todder birthdays, cause they are easy. I got Owen some toys at Kid 2 Kid for his present: some cars, and a bus that he can put the car in.
And with that he's as happy! Easy! Corey's parents came by with some gifts for him. Owen holding the bus. Natalie helping him open the gifts.
I don't think toddler around here every get a chance to open their own gifts. Cause they are too slow and then the older kids jump in to help and end up doing the unwrapping. It was party all day until these two collalpsed from exhaustion.
Tonight Iveth and Diego came by with a present for Owen, so nice.
And then we all shared some cake and ice cream. Happy Birthday Owen!
Cute little guy, holding a Buzz toy my mom gave him. Blowing out the candles.
We love you Owen! We are glad you were born! Happy Birthday!

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