Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hibbert Reunion - North Yellowstone

This morning we went to the North Yellowstone. I'm positive that I've been here many times before, is it weird that I can hardly remember it? It must have all been in my life before the blog. I don't remember much of those years, I need to figure out how to get my scrapbooks and history online so I can search it and find things quickly. Flipping through binder pages just isn't practical. Ok, so anyway - we went to the Norris Geyser Basin.
Corey stayed at the cabin to get in some work hours. He does a pretty amazing job of providing for this large family. We walked along the boardwalk. Kids sat down to dangle their feet, they did a good job not stepping on the ground, which is forbidden here.
It is pretty amazing to think of all that is going on under the ground here. I left me searching about the Yellowstone Hotspot after we got home - So a few quick links from my googling:
So that all helped me understand where things were, cause I was confused when my dad, at the Total solar eclipse two years ago, showed me how you could see the caldera from the volcanic erruption there is Ashton, cause I was like, wait, I thought the caldera was in Yellowstone, so now I get it, that it has kept moving eastward. So I get it more now. So, the geyser basin was cool, and then we went to Artist Point
Family picture. Daniel was being HORRIBLE. Say cheese anyway!
I was glad no one fell to their death. It's pretty freaky looking over the edge, gives me anxiety. My siblings got this cute picture of all the kids lined up sitting on a wall there at Artist Point, except for Abi who was in the bathroom.
That's a lot of grandkids, but still missing like a third of them in this pic - Jared and Jersh were in another area of the park and the Scotts in Indiana were also missing.
Back to the car. We drove so slowly in the park that I was okay with them holding him, cause he was hating his carseat.
Yes, holding him was much better. We went to Canyon Village for lunch. Yummy chips.
My cousin Anna with Peter. So nice to have so many helping hands.
My parents met here in Yellowstone years ago, so it was fun to be where my parents worked. They shared that story with my little brother, who did an interview with them, he's going to make a video of it. I just tried to keep my little noisemakers away so they didn't ruin the audio.
I headed back after lunch, cause Daniel was done. One last thing before we go, let's stop by the river to feel the cold water.
I had Ethan, Hyrum, Natalie, Owen, Daniel, and Peter in my car that drive.
With that, our trip felt complete.
Ok, that's good. Heading back...
We saw two buffalo on our way out, one rolling in the dust. Turned around to watch, then u-turn again to leave. Then at Madison Junction, there was a black bear walking right by the side of the road! We turned around and drove back cause it was heading toward the Madison campground, we felt it our duty to warn the campers. But it must have turned around again cause we didn't see it as we drove around there. Everything seemed in order, so we left, but saw the bear again, this time on the other side of the road, oh good.
Back at the cabin.
Corey started a game of "bombs away" or something where he laid down on the ground and the boys threw fly's up balls up high hoping it landed somewhere on Corey, exploding his arm or leg off until he was dead, haha, like hangman. It was a slow death. 

We also had a slide show tonight. That's a very longstanding Hibbert tradition. 
We've had such a fun time here with all the extended family. Last night was the dance night because Jared and Jerusha had to head back tonight. we took a quick family photo before they left. 
Daniel is going to miss his new favorite cousin, Connor. I love this picture of the two of them! Daniel's little face.
Then we had a game night tonight with board games and I played in a little bit in the 5000 dice game. Good times.

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