Friday, July 19, 2019

Hibbert Reunion - Old Faithful

Today started with a nice breakfast and then making lunches, followed by a morning devotional before we headed out to Yellowstone.
Then everyone loaded into the cars. We went to see Old Faithful today. We enjoyed lunch together before watching the geyser go off. Daniel kept his Smart cousins entertained - playing hide and seek
Wes eating with the Hibbert cousins.
The Wrides eating their sandwiches and chips.
Almost time for it to erupt, so we head to the geyser
Daniel was more interested in the gravel rocks.
My dad took Peter back into the shade so that P wouldn't get a sunburn and so I could watch the geyser.
Pretty Peter. Now watching the rest of the kids and cousins... kids to the left -
And kids to the right...
A miracle of nature! Everyone gets out their smart phones, including me
And Eth trying to get a shot for Instagram
Lily with Eli - I think my younger kids enjoyed being with the little cousins 
Little people that aren't siblings, fun! Next we walked over to the Old Faithful Inn. 
It looks like a rickety old place, pretty cool fireplace. Ok grandkids, everyone up to the balcony...
Little Peter is already tuckered out.
Then we headed back to the cabin. We saw some buffalo on the drive out by Madison Junction.
And we stopped by Big Springs before going back for dinner. It's a National Natural Landmark!
We were too late to be able to see inside Johnny Sack's cabin. But we had fun feeding the fish. Then it was finally time to go back to the fun cabin. We ate dinner -
Then we visited and looked through an old scrapbook that my dad's mom made. 
My dad as a cute toddler
And we all played the rest of the evening - the boys played pool -
Lots of us jumped rope (that was a good last minute grab of mine! I'm glad we had that up there, it was fun)
Other board games and card games. 
Settlers of Catan - 
And just lots of fun playing. Daniel kept us entertained with this frisbie thing on a stretchy black string. He would try to tag people with the blue disc, it was cute.
Then the best part of the evening was the dance party. Uncle Neil brought a disco ball, we moved  played "Everybody Dance Now" to call everyone down, and it was a party. We did the boot scoot boogy, we did handclap, it was a lot of fun. The best part was when we played "I Will Get Back Up Again" from Trolls, the little girls just came alive and it was soooo cute and so fun! My little brother Grant, who has 4 boys, said it was his favorite part too to see what makes little girls get excited, it was new territory for him but we were all laughing and singing so loud and laughing. It was so great. Trice was trying to get her kids to sleep around 11:30 or so, so we called it a night and that made for another great day at the Hibbert Reunion. 

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