Saturday, July 13, 2019

Rollerblading At The U

Ethan was at a BYU ACT camp everyday this week. Today he went to the U to take his ACT exam. We are praying for him to get a score that he's happy with so that he will feel that it is worth it to work hard like he did this week. He had ACT camp every morning and worked after at Costa Vida most nights too, other than when he had music stuff. Corey took Wes roller blading at the U this morning to skate while they waited for Ethan to finish. While they were there, they took a moment to hat tip me and a moment from my past.
This is actually a moment from the past for both Corey and I, cause we were there roller blading together. It was 26 years ago - in the summer of 1993 (I kept the parking tag for his car from that day, it's in my journal...)
So this was the summer before our senior year... I was trying to be cool and hold my own with the guys. We bladed around for a bit, and I don't even know how long we had been there skating that day, but I tried to rollerblade down stairs... and I fell... and I broke my leg. Then I was pretty much out of commission for the soccer season. Yay. Well, I did get to play in the last game a little bit but yeah, no future in soccer for me after missing my senior year before college. So Corey sent this pic this morning and asked if I recognized the place. I didn't, but I assumed that this instagram worthy shot was of the stairs where I fell. Corey had been to the U before so he knew his way around and knew where it was. That day I broke my leg was my first and last time roller blading at the U. Corey said he thinks they've done remodeling of some sort and raised or lowered something here, cause he's pretty sure there were only 3 stairs when I fell. A little joke about how lame it was that I broke my leg, being it should have been such an easy obstacle to conquer. True, true. I don't have an excuse. I just had a broken leg.

So, Ethan feels the test went ok, but he's felt that after tests before, so he's trying to not get his hopes up. He came home and took a victory nap.
Corey and the kids came back from Park City yesterday. A few pictures of Daniel yesterday, being cute playing with a basketball.
And eating vegetables
Then wanting to spit it out. Repeat. I was able to get him to spit out on a plate though instead of back into the hummus dip, so that's a win.
Today, after a week off at Park City, we tried to unpack and put things back in order. After the girls finished their bedroom, they played a spa game, inspired by Natalie's b-day present of fingernail polish. bedroom done, now they can do their spa game. Lily's turn to be pampered.
They borrow some face mask stuff from Mel. Abi feeding Lily cucumbers
It was fun to see them playing so nice with each other. Oh, I forgot to mention the lovely sunrise this morning!

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