Sunday, July 14, 2019

Day of Relaxation

The Sabbath day is a delight. A day of worship and rest. So Peter wants to know how come he has to dress up in a button up shirt if he's supposed to be able to rest and relax. Cause that top button doesn't feel good on his chubby neck!
It was a great lesson in Relief Society about Building a Fortress of Spirituality and Faith by Elder Ronald A Rasband. Great stuff. And Bliss does such a great job!!! I loved it, it filled my cup.
Back at home, Owen went down for a nap the old way, with a binky, blanket, and Louie. Just for old times' sake, cause he doesn't use them anymore, so it was kinda cute to see him be my little Owen one more time. His birthday is coming up, going to be 4 soon!
It's crazy to think that he is going to be old enough to start kindergarten next year. After his nap, Owen taught Peter about cars. Peter is 6 months old today!!! I can't believe it, it goes by too quickly.
As for they girls, they girls got into the "beauty salon" mode after Natalie got a gift of fingernail polish on her birthday last week. The game has continued since we've been home. They had a serious session of pampering yesterday, and the fun has continued today. Mel was doing hair, putting little embroiderly floss ties in the girls' hair like the young women did at girls' camp last week.
Sophi pampering Natalie.
They take pampering very seriously
And Lily got to play customer yesterday, so today it was her turn to serve Abi.
Daniel wants a turn!
Lily tickled his face with a paint brush. It was cute to see them play and they kept each other entertained for a very long time.

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