Monday, July 8, 2019

Ross Shopping

Corey headed up to Park City last night with Hyrum, Wes, Lily, Sophi, and Natalie. He took the van. He came back down today to bring Sophi down for her violin lesson, which we both kinda forgot about until this morning. Since Melodie is leaving for college soon, I guess I'm going to need to take over the mantel for violin lessons. I should probably learn a little bit about it and figure out what I'm doing if I'm supposed to assist in teaching her. Corey and I switched cars at the violin lesson so I would have room to take all my friends safely home (Sophi, Owen, Daniel, Peter) and so that I can come and pick up Hyrum and Lily tonight. Hyrum has a drivers Ed thing early tomorrow morning and Lily has a day camp. So many logistics to figure out, really not a good week for this outing to Park City, but I'm trying to not complain, but I am complaining. Sorry.

This afternoon, after Owen and Daniel went down for a nap, Mel and I ran out for some errands. Mostly to get her some new shoes. But then we got distracted shopping and had a lot of fun. Mel didn't find shoes this time but I did. And a mug. And a new little sign that fits perfectly in the kitchen and says "Home is my Happy Place" which is true. I'm especially feeling it this week, I want to be home. I'm glad to be home with my pretty baby.
Peter! You are so good at grabbing your toes!!
Mel and I did a little bit of shopping today. She needs new shoes. I treated her to a new dress and she bought a few other things for herself, and I bought a few shirts for myself too. It was fun. We traded watching lovely Peter. He spit up on himself, aww cute.
Ok, here are too many pictures of Peter.
Cause I can't decide which one to not include..
Cause he's just adorable in all of them
Peter Peter lovely Peter
He's so sweet.
Peter! Will you stay little for me? I need someone to stay little.
He's probably gonna grow up like the rest of them, so sad for me. Well, if Peter weren't such a good kid we probably would have had to leave sooner, but he was so good. We'd tell ourselves to be done shopping, then start to head to the checkout, then finger through a few more shirts or dresses and distract ourselves again and go try on a few more things again.
Peter didn't want to be rude with poor behavior, so he decided to help us leave by spitting up on my shirt. That got us out of the store. Bye Ross! I think Mel and I should go shopping together more often. Look, our plastic Ross bag wanted to tell us that it loved us shopping there too!! Ha
Abi noticed that little heart tear in the bag, aw. One more lovely thing from today - my roses in the front yard.
I love these roses. Such beauties.
So it's just past 8pm, I'm going to head up to pick up Hyrum and Lily in a few. It's been a good day here at home.

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