Saturday, July 6, 2019

Last Minute Park City

Corey found a deal on a week at Park City. So he booked it. So he went up there last night with Wesley, Owen, Daniel, and Valentina (our friend from Chile). Mel and Abi wanted to go up, but they had a babysitting thing tonight from 5-10. So we stayed home last night and came up early this morning to join the fun. We have been up there all day (9am - 10:30pm) One thing different from usual is that I went swimming this time, I found my old swimming suit this week! Look at my little Peter, he is so cute and chubby!
That was fun for a little bit, but then it got crazy and not fun, atleast for me. Valentina and the kids playing in the mine.
Wesley wasting time playing video games.
Seems like there should be other options of things for us to do in Park City: go on a hike, go to the park? But we're in the habit of tv watching and video game playing. Well, we do a lot of swimming too. I get a little tired of that though.
That's the back of Natalie's head by the railing, Owen in the floaties, and Valentina and Lily. Corey left around 2 with Valentina, Mel, Abi, and Lily to go to Hale Center Theater (we had 4 tickets to go see Freaky Friday and it was too late to change it when Corey booked this week in PC last minute...). This upcoming week Ethan has ACT camp everyday, Hyrum has Driver's Ed classes, Mel and Abi are going to Young Womens' Camp on Monday... yeah, wasn't the best week for "family" time together if that's what we were going for. But if Corey's looking for a quiet place to try and get work done, it might be good for that since I plan on staying home with the toddlers most of the week. After Corey headed back to the valley today, I stayed in PC and tried to keep an eye on the kids. But I kinda hate it up there cause I have a hundred things I want to do, and sitting around watching the kids waste time isn't one of them.
Sure I can just nurse Peter and watch Owen and Daniel like I do at home, but that sucks cause Owen and Daniel would take off (mostly Daniel).
I told Hyrum and Wes to take turns helping me.
Natalie and Sophi are kinda big enough to know how to get back to the room, so we let them mostly be in charge of themselves.
I tried coloring with Natalie a little bit, and I did a great job on that crocodile.
So today I was up there by myself with HWSNODP. We were in the very furthest and last room in the hotel on the 2nd floor. It took forrrrevvvvver to walk down the hallway to it. One time when Daniel was throwing a fit, I was hoofing it back to the room with him over my hip kicking and screaming. He was being pretty horrible. A lack of a nap usually does that to him. When he calmed down I went back out with him, then I went back to the room to feed Peter and left Hyrum and Wes in charge of Owen and Daniel. About 20 minutes later, Hyrum comes into the room followed by 3 ladies from the hotel staff. They were holding Daniel. He had a new toy stuffed Cow that moos. They let me know that they had found him in the lobby and he had been with them for 20 minutes. "All children need to be with an adult over 18 at all times." "Ok, sorry." (I guess I better go get Natalie and Sophi). I was kinda embarrassed, and one of the ladies seemed to look at me and spoke at me with some contempt for my parenting. They left, Hyrum said he had been looking for him and it hadn't been that long. I told the kids to get their stuff, cause we're going home. I hate it here, it is not a place for a nursing mother with toddlers. I was already trying to cope with my frustration by eating the coconut paletas that Corey had bought at Costco. And I was feeling mad that he had bought those too. Then Owen hit his eyebrow on the heavy dining chair and was bleeding. Luckily it was small and he wasn't going to need stitches (Wes got stitches in Park City in 2011 in that last picture) Well kids, I'm done, can't do it anymore, let's go. We got in the van and headed home. Yay. I kinda left feeling mad at Corey for the junk food, not that I shouldn't be able to control myself. Sigh. Park City just isn't a good place for me if I want to be in a good mood. It's too much kid time and not enough work. We'll see how next week goes. Sorry to complain! Goodnight.

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